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Gwaihir 06-08-2021 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Gravydoo II (Post 3319139)
nah. You're a word that starts with f and ends with

Get vaxxed

Jibartik 06-08-2021 03:30 PM

If you people enjoy what you're doing ITT then im going to just go ahead and say I dont understand these boards at all.

How could you like insulting people's decision to have kids or not, we got conservatives saying foul things to conservatives up in here and libs trolling libs, and in the middle of all that you all attack each other.

OT has turn to shit in the last couple months, just trump cope posts no matter what anyone says.

At least the trumpers create content by posting interesting conspiracy theories...

But there is this trend (started and championed by someone IMO who said he was going to burn down these boards) where literally anything anyone says, it's just free for all to spam straight up insults about someone's personal life.

I get caught up in it too because im so pissed off at half of you because of it, so its a self eating snake.

I dont want a safe space but I want to fucking STAY ON TOPIC for fucks sake, ban these troll replies in OT

this isnt RNF

im with baller on the nature of these boards, its fine to say crazy things, its fine to say insane things, but it's not fine to just reply insults and shit like has become the trend these days

Bring back lulz, ban byue, make OT great again.

This area of the forums is at one of its many rock bottoms.

starkind 06-08-2021 03:50 PM

I can't have offspring.

The last time I was in the psyche ward, some old guy who didn't know any better asked me if I had any kids while sitting across the table from me and I was just eating my scrambled eggs laced with meds.

And I just started bawling and ended up having to leave the room and cry in a corner for an hour.

This happened.

It's probably for the best though. Imagine if I had a kid lol.

Gwaihir 06-08-2021 03:56 PM

My kids were LGBT agenda supporters till I picked them up from school in their mother's clothes with purple hair and they tried to act like they didn't know me.

starkind 06-08-2021 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Gwaihir (Post 3319357)
My kids were LGBT agenda supporters till I picked them up from school in their mother's clothes with purple hair and they tried to act like they didn't know me.

Lol, good one Gwaihir. :p :D

Gwaihir 06-08-2021 04:14 PM

I didn't even have to develop a meth addiction and start bringing random dudes from the Castro home or anything. It was the best 35$ I ever spent (on some white fishnets and knee high high-heel-boots and a grape Kool aid packet.

Shawk 06-08-2021 04:39 PM

Jibby this was a long one.. big subject, I am trying to respect you here; given you didn't respect me a few days ago.

I can only speak for my point of making this particular thread which is that if you want to have such neo-polical-sociological opinions (which you all do, it seems..) you should probably have the basics covered and one of those is offspring, it is literally your duty to have children, nothing else honestly matters especially as you age.

I don't judge people solely by these principle standards but a lot of people do.

Personally though I don't like people who have no kids who claim to understand what it is like to have a child or claim to be equal to a decent mother/father relationship.. There are a lot of these incel types just tapping away on their keyboard about their opinions while also doing nothing for society.. They are angrier than ever and on both sides of the political spectrum.

They take this narrative of "get a job", and think that is good enough, a Job pays your individual bills, it does nothing for society.. It has nothing to do with duty or integrity or respect if it isn't in a service industry of some sort, trades are decent but really even tradesmen aren't doing shit honestly as most of them honestly suck and are just replacing parts for larger profit rather than helping grandma etc by just fixing the broke down parts.

Having a child is easier than it has ever been, and more rewarding then ever.. There is a bubble of safety, of people protecting our rights and our duties to do so yet more than ever "incel" types are talking about how having a kid is scary or a terrible thing to do given the "future" and how "grim" it looks.. I hear this everywhere btw.

This is a cop out, just as people who have political opinions but have no kids, this is pathetic to me only if the person isn't humble about their placement in society.

Starkind is a good example of someone who is humble and being comedic about this as they say they are cat parents, which is legit.. But at that point they would have to find some form of purpose or peace in society to feel good about themselves (neurologically, subconsciously) like being a nurse/doctor, even a good garbage collector or delivery person is a decent duty, going around being a decent human to people's children etc, greeting them, saying have a good day, taking care of your nieces/nephews etc, helping raise them.. this is all we are doing in society, there isn't anything else going on by raising children to take over for us, but to be better than us..

Some people are super human and can be in the navy, while having kids, while being a volunteer fire fighter, while flying helicopters for a hobby.. but us average losers can at least try by having a child and trying to raise them to be better than we were.

This isn't to mention how weak you feel after having a child in the sense that they are fragile, nothing is scarier, death feels easier after having a child in a weird way.. and you have to be the person that protects them, and you want to, all your focus is put on protecting them rather than protecting yourself and so ego/narcissism tend to fly away (if you are a decent parent..) Everything is harder after having a kid, time has to be heavily scheduled etc.

I find dead beats to be the worst of all, way worse than anything else.. They tend to go off and live a doods life while also talking about how they have fulfilled their sense of duty by having one, they get more ego from it, these are trash humans basically.. I know a lot of these and I want their heads on a stick one day as they are the ones putting abortion clinics to the wrong use in most cases.

People who CANT have children are obvious exempt, but these tend to be the coolest humans I know as thy have the right to be as the best thing in life was stolen from them and therefore just IMO I feel they deserve a pass. So to come out of that with some form of comedy or positivity is a beautiful person.

I think giving up on your children because they respect LGBTQ rights etc is pretty weak, and you shouldn't be calling anyone a F*g as you sound like one.. Throw a pink shirt on and support their dumb little opinions while you can, they will respect you later for it and it shows more balls than you show by not supporting them, women will flock to you if that is what you are interested in but the ultimate goal there would be obviously to have children.

Life is fragile, we will all die and it will suck while it is happening, it always does.. I hope people will flock to your gravestone and speak of the decent man/women you were as I know all of you are. Behind that thought is a nervous system just waiting to be realized.. Behind that nervous system might be cancer.. Lets try to be decent to each other, I agree... But calling people retard? Get real.

Sorry this was long. :o

starkind 06-08-2021 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Shawk (Post 3319382)
Jibby this was a long one.. big subject, I am trying to respect you here; given you didn't respect me a few days ago.

I can only speak for my point of making this particular thread which is that if you want to have such neo-polical-sociological opinions (which you all do, it seems..) you should probably have the basics covered and one of those is offspring, it is literally your duty to have children, nothing else honestly matters especially as you age.

I don't judge people solely by these principle standards but a lot of people do.

Personally though I don't like people who have no kids who claim to understand what it is like to have a child or claim to be equal to a decent mother/father relationship.. There are a lot of these incel types just tapping away on their keyboard about their opinions while also doing nothing for society.. They are angrier than ever and on both sides of the political spectrum.

They take this narrative of "get a job", and think that is good enough, a Job pays your individual bills, it does nothing for society.. It has nothing to do with duty or integrity or respect if it isn't in a service industry of some sort, trades are decent but really even tradesmen aren't doing shit honestly as most of them honestly suck and are just replacing parts for larger profit rather than helping grandma etc by just fixing the broke down parts.

Having a child is easier than it has ever been, and more rewarding then ever.. There is a bubble of safety, of people protecting our rights and our duties to do so yet more than ever "incel" types are talking about how having a kid is scary or a terrible thing to do given the "future" and how "grim" it looks.. I hear this everywhere btw.

This is a cop out, just as people who have political opinions but have no kids, this is pathetic to me only if the person isn't humble about their placement in society.

Starkind is a good example of someone who is humble and being comedic about this as they say they are cat parents, which is legit.. But at that point they would have to find some form of purpose or peace in society to feel good about themselves (neurologically, subconsciously) like being a nurse/doctor, even a good garbage collector or delivery person is a decent duty, going around being a decent human to people's children etc, greeting them, saying have a good day, taking care of your nieces/nephews etc, helping raise them.. this is all we are doing in society, there isn't anything else going on by raising children to take over for us, but to be better than us..

Some people are super human and can be in the navy, while having kids, while being a volunteer fire fighter, while flying helicopters for a hobby.. but us average losers can at least try by having a child and trying to raise them to be better than we were.

This isn't to mention how weak you feel after having a child in the sense that they are fragile, nothing is scarier, death feels easier after having a child in a weird way.. and you have to be the person that protects them, and you want to, all your focus is put on protecting them rather than protecting yourself and so ego/narcissism tend to fly away (if you are a decent parent..) Everything is harder after having a kid, time has to be heavily scheduled etc.

I find dead beats to be the worst of all, way worse than anything else.. They tend to go off and live a doods life while also talking about how they have fulfilled their sense of duty by having one, they get more ego from it, these are trash humans basically.. I know a lot of these and I want their heads on a stick one day as they are the ones putting abortion clinics to the wrong use in most cases.

People who CANT have children are obvious exempt, but these tend to be the coolest humans I know as thy have the right to be as the best thing in life was stolen from them and therefore just IMO I feel they deserve a pass. So to come out of that with some form of comedy or positivity is a beautiful person.

I think giving up on your children because they respect LGBTQ rights etc is pretty weak, and you shouldn't be calling anyone a F*g as you sound like one.. Throw a pink shirt on and support their dumb little opinions while you can, they will respect you later for it and it shows more balls than you show by not supporting them, women will flock to you if that is what you are interested in but the ultimate goal there would be obviously to have children.

Life is fragile, we will all die and it will suck while it is happening, it always does.. I hope people will flock to your gravestone and speak of the decent man/women you were as I know all of you are. Behind that thought is a nervous system just waiting to be realized.. Behind that nervous system might be cancer.. Lets try to be decent to each other, I agree... But calling people retard? Get real.

Sorry this was long. :o

Plz translate this into a soap opera set in a newly liberated communist Cuba vs the One World Government. Where Cuba is the good guys and Utopia it was supposed to be and everywhere else sucks. Except for a few palaces and Temples owned by the 1%.

starkind 06-10-2021 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by starkind (Post 3319429)
Plz translate this into a soap opera set in a newly liberated communist Cuba vs the One World Government. Where Cuba is the good guys and Utopia it was supposed to be and everywhere else sucks. Except for a few palaces and Temples owned by the 1%.

Eagerly awaiting patiently probably forever tho.

starkind 06-10-2021 08:19 AM

P.s. offspring will behave like me if you produce or somehow acquire them. Or even just try to enslave or brainwash them. At least a non trivial percentage will.



Good luck lol.

Probably best to just chip in and try help some people (maybe even with their offspring) other ways. Like teach a young adult how to balance a budget. Or plan a years budget. Or like budget a project. Currency isn't disappearing anytime soon ish.

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