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JerseyFresh609 04-26-2020 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Mirox (Post 3118420)
Unfortunately, I don't think you can do this with the framework I am using (PyQt5). You could always run fullscreen borderless.

I would actually prefer to run full screen borderless. How are you accomplishing this? You have to pay for it with WinEQ right? I tried the windowed borderless program which worked except that it would screw with mouse clicking on the screen, everything was off by a few pixels.

pivo 04-26-2020 09:12 PM

I love your software, I'm ALWAYS getting lost maps or no maps. But without maps is much harder to play, I'm lost right away ;) !

Yesterday I was running previous dev version. I'm running nparser inside venv, on Linux MX (GTK3 I believe) Yesterday spell timer (Minor Shielding) for my necro was off. At level 2 and 3, I adjusted level. Times shows some 25 or 26 minutes, but actual time is about half shorter.

Today, I downloaded new dev version. It took me a while to figure it out, how to make map window bigger (unlock). Or how to put spells to overly on the game (can't click on window any more to set "always on top"). And something else is wrong, (gtk3?) takes several trials to get spells on the screen, but then it works and it is great!

I love this transparent way seeing the spells timer bars all the time. Spell time for Minor Shielding is still too big, count down starts at 26.5 minutes. Actual is some 10 to 13 minutes. I don't have any other spell yet to test.

Linux info in case if important:
Host: mx Kernel: 5.4.0-3-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 8.3.0
Desktop: Xfce 4.14.2 Distro: MX-19.1_ahs_x64 patito feo February 15 2019

python 3.7.3

$ pip list
Package Version
-------------- ----------
beautifulsoup4 4.9.0
certifi 2020.4.5.1
chardet 3.0.4
click 7.1.1
gTTS 2.1.1
gTTS-token 1.1.3
idna 2.9
pip 20.0.2
pkg-resources 0.0.0
PyQt5 5.14.2
PyQt5-sip 12.7.2
requests 2.23.0
setuptools 40.8.0
six 1.14.0
soupsieve 2.0
urllib3 1.25.9

Mirox 04-27-2020 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by JerseyFresh609 (Post 3118660)
I would actually prefer to run full screen borderless. How are you accomplishing this? You have to pay for it with WinEQ right? I tried the windowed borderless program which worked except that it would screw with mouse clicking on the screen, everything was off by a few pixels.

Personally, I don't use WinEQ. On Windows 10, I have a shortcut to eqgame:

general, target: eqgame.exe patchme
general, advanced, runas administrator

compatibility, Compatibiliy mode: Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP (service Pack 3)

compatibility, disable fullscreen optimizations
compatibility, run this program as administrator

Then I use:

You need to run this program before you run Everquest. If I get a full-screen administrator check, it will freeze my eq.

I set my resolution to my desktop resolution, and the borderless-gaming thing makes my Everquest borderless fullscreen. You can set it up to automatically full screen your Everquest in the future and have borderless-gaming start on OS boot.

Mirox 04-27-2020 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by pivo (Post 3118761)
I love your software, I'm ALWAYS getting lost maps or no maps. But without maps is much harder to play, I'm lost right away ;) !

Yesterday I was running previous dev version. I'm running nparser inside venv, on Linux MX (GTK3 I believe) Yesterday spell timer (Minor Shielding) for my necro was off. At level 2 and 3, I adjusted level. Times shows some 25 or 26 minutes, but actual time is about half shorter.

Today, I downloaded new dev version. It took me a while to figure it out, how to make map window bigger (unlock). Or how to put spells to overly on the game (can't click on window any more to set "always on top"). And something else is wrong, (gtk3?) takes several trials to get spells on the screen, but then it works and it is great!

I love this transparent way seeing the spells timer bars all the time. Spell time for Minor Shielding is still too big, count down starts at 26.5 minutes. Actual is some 10 to 13 minutes. I don't have any other spell yet to test.

Linux info in case if important:
Host: mx Kernel: 5.4.0-3-amd64 x86_64 bits: 64 compiler: gcc v: 8.3.0
Desktop: Xfce 4.14.2 Distro: MX-19.1_ahs_x64 patito feo February 15 2019

python 3.7.3

$ pip list
Package Version
-------------- ----------
beautifulsoup4 4.9.0
certifi 2020.4.5.1
chardet 3.0.4
click 7.1.1
gTTS 2.1.1
gTTS-token 1.1.3
idna 2.9
pip 20.0.2
pkg-resources 0.0.0
PyQt5 5.14.2
PyQt5-sip 12.7.2
requests 2.23.0
setuptools 40.8.0
six 1.14.0
soupsieve 2.0
urllib3 1.25.9

I am not sure what the issue is for having to cast a few times to get spells going. I know that as soon as the program opens, it needs to see movement in a text file to then start reading, so sometimes your first spell might not parse (unless you have another line hit the parser). Like, I could log in and type /say hi, and then everything should parse after that.

Yeah, the dev version is latest, and it usually will include changes that aren't documented. I think I did make the commit message about how to unlock/move windows. Are your windows not automatically on top by default anymore? If they are locked, they should be on top.

Also, the dev version currently has no way to change your spell level. Just a heads up. You can change it in the nparse.config.json file. It's under spells: { level: your_level }

I will look into Minor shield. I was trying to use the spells_us.txt that is given by Project1999 in the dev branch, so I could drop the 5 MB file from my distro. Maybe that is why it is off.

it looks like the Wiki also has 27 minutes for Minor Shielding:

pivo 05-08-2020 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Mirox (Post 3118922)
I am not sure what the issue is for having to cast a few times to get spells going.

Also, the dev version currently has no way to change your spell level. Just a heads up. You can change it in the nparse.config.json file. It's under spells: { level: your_level }

I will look into Minor shield. I was trying to use the spells_us.txt that is given by Project1999 in the dev branch, so I could drop the 5 MB file from my distro. Maybe that is why it is off.

it looks like the Wiki also has 27 minutes for Minor Shielding:

About having hard time at start, maybe my system, running under Wine on Linux, after then, it is now working great, probably just me doing something wrong then.

Ahh, I knew I could at some point change level and I was wondering how come I forgot where/how to do it, LOL! will change config file, thanks. You are doing great work, thank you!

As beginner with Python programming, I looked at your code, but it is waaaaay over my head, since I'm doing my first baby steps.

pivo 05-08-2020 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Mirox (Post 3118922)

Also, the dev version currently has no way to change your spell level. Just a heads up. You can change it in the nparse.config.json file. It's under spells: { level: your_level }

I will look into Minor shield. I was trying to use the spells_us.txt that is given by Project1999 in the dev branch, so I could drop the 5 MB file from my distro. Maybe that is why it is off.

it looks like the Wiki also has 27 minutes for Minor Shielding:

Please, don't change nothing, or look into it if you only have feedback from me. More players need to confirm, to make sure. Who knows what I may be doing wrong.

I see nparse.config.json file don't have different level entries for different toons. So if I switch from one to another, does still the same nparse.config.json file apply, I just change spell level gain, correct?

pivo 05-08-2020 02:19 PM

Since I don't have github account, I will report an issue here. I downloaded the latest 0.51 dev version. I'm running it from source on Linux. I over wrote old files with the new ones and start nparser. I got error msg, that nparser log file is missing. This must be new. So I created file 'nparse.log' inside folder 'logs' within nparser folder.

Nparser tehn started and log file is being used. But looks like, there is a problem. Nparses complains, that path to eq99 log file is not set, and that I should set the proper path through nparser taskbar icone. I tried several times, went to settings, and there is no where, where I could set proper path to EQ99 logs. It was there in previous version.

There is proper EQ99 logs path set in nparse.config.json, but new nparser is probably checking if I set it again through nparser, which I didn't, hence error and my location is not being plotted on the map. So I overwrote new nparser-dev with previous version and all is OK on my end, just reporting if it can be of any use to you ;-)

"general": {
"eq_dir": "",
"eq_log_dir": "/home/mx/.wine/drive_c/EQ99/Logs",
"parser_opacity": 80,
Here is copy/paste from nparser log, if it can be of any use:

2020-05-08 11:48:46,774 - __main__ - WARNING - ('Everquest Log Directory Error', 'Everquest log directory needs to be set before proceeding. Use systemtray icon menu to set.')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mx/nparse-dev/helpers/", line 318, in verify_paths

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 88, in _toggle
File "/home/mx/nparse-dev/helpers/", line 322, in verify_paths
'Everquest log directory needs to be set before proceeding. Use systemtray icon menu to set.'
ValueError: ('Everquest Log Directory Error', 'Everquest log directory needs to be set before proceeding. Use systemtray icon menu to set.')

Mirox 05-08-2020 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by pivo (Post 3125702)
Please, don't change nothing, or look into it if you only have feedback from me. More players need to confirm, to make sure. Who knows what I may be doing wrong.

I see nparse.config.json file don't have different level entries for different toons. So if I switch from one to another, does still the same nparse.config.json file apply, I just change spell level gain, correct?

I think I am just gonna leave Minor Shielding as is. I think it very quickly becomes 27 minutes and then stays there.

Currently in the dev, yes, you have to change it in the file... it is annoying. This weekend, I am going to be adding profiles into the system. The level will be tied to your character. I'll also start listening for level events to auto increment the number.

Mirox 05-08-2020 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by pivo (Post 3125764)
Since I don't have github account, I will report an issue here. I downloaded the latest 0.51 dev version. I'm running it from source on Linux. I over wrote old files with the new ones and start nparser. I got error msg, that nparser log file is missing. This must be new. So I created file 'nparse.log' inside folder 'logs' within nparser folder.

Nparser tehn started and log file is being used. But looks like, there is a problem. Nparses complains, that path to eq99 log file is not set, and that I should set the proper path through nparser taskbar icone. I tried several times, went to settings, and there is no where, where I could set proper path to EQ99 logs. It was there in previous version.

There is proper EQ99 logs path set in nparse.config.json, but new nparser is probably checking if I set it again through nparser, which I didn't, hence error and my location is not being plotted on the map. So I overwrote new nparser-dev with previous version and all is OK on my end, just reporting if it can be of any use to you ;-)

Here is copy/paste from nparser log, if it can be of any use:

Thanks for the heads up about the logger issue! I need to test whether the log directory exists -- I will add a fix today. Since there is nothing in the directory, it doesn't get pushed to Github I guess :O

The other issue you are seeing, is that the directory you set is your Everquest directory and no longer your actual log directory. I wanted to link your spells_us.txt so I don't have to distribute it in the releases anymore.

eq_log_dir is obselete
eq_dir is what is used now

You need to set that to where your Everquest installation is. You can set the value by going to settings -> General -> Everquest Directory and then set.

I would love to know any issues you face and am grateful for your comments. Feel free to PM if you don't want to sign up for Github. Between programming, work, etc, I don't have much time to test everything :(

edit: I will also update the error message to explain where to set the directory.

edit2: All this has been fixed in the latest dev commit.

pivo 05-09-2020 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Mirox (Post 3125916)

eq_log_dir is obselete
eq_dir is what is used now

edit: I will also update the error message to explain where to set the directory.
edit2: All this has been fixed in the latest dev commit.

I tried your latest dev version and it works great!
If I find any bugs in the future, I can use PM. But here, public may be better. It keeps thread at the top and new members may find about nParse that other wise wouldn't ;)

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