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Halius 06-19-2013 01:14 PM

Fondest memories of EQ?
Hey All,

I can't help but notice the negativity all the time on the forums here and so I wanted to put up a post just to reflect on some awesome times in the best MMORPG that we all love. Since this server is about reliving the classic experience (which unfortunately does include guild competition for end game), I was hoping we could get some posts about favorite times on Live back in 1999 or even on here. Since I am opening this up I suppose I will start.

My fondest memory was finally getting into a Vox raid for the first time. I remember how fun it was clearing through Permafrost with like 40(ish?) people and experiencing my first raid, and actually knowing about 20 of the people in the raid (back then EQ was about community as we all know). When we finally got to Vox we wiped the first 2 tries as alot of the people attending were 45-46, I was a 49 warrior at the time. When we finally downed her the precious RBB dropped and I was so freaking excited! And then.... I rolled a 3, and a Paladin ended up getting the belt. I was so frustrated but at the same time I was having a great time, I just killed my first huge boss and experienced an awesome raid. Times like that are what made me love MMOs for how great they can be getting people organized together and having fun.

I wish I could still get that same experience on Live but it is just so congested with content now that all that fun has been lost for me. I am hoping to relive that classic experience here, but it is a long way off still as I am only casual and with family obligations now I only have limited time to play. But I still can't wait! Thanks all, and just wanted to share some good memories.

Nocte 06-19-2013 01:28 PM

I made macros on my rogue that emoted pick-pocket speech akin to damage being taken (i.e. "[mychar] pickpockets YOU for 12 platinum pieces!" and "[mychar] tries to pickpocket you, but misses!")

I had a few hotbars full of these macros, each with random coin amounts so it looked like there was a server roll for the amount "stolen."

Of course, most people saw through it really fast, but the people who fell for it, fell for it HARD. I was reported, petitioned, chased through zones, I chased people through zones. /ooc and /shout were HILARIOUS until the rest of the zone clued them in. I remember one time in particular, my mark at the WFP gate tried to nuke me only to get wiped out by the guards for trying to attack me.

Also, sneaking through a fully-popped Plane of Hate for my Book of Souls. INTENSE. I was happy to get the adrenaline rush to do it again on P99. Nice that some of the excitement is timeless.

eqravenprince 06-19-2013 01:35 PM

Nothing beats the awe and sense of wonder that first few months of playing EQ. Day 1 of EQ, I still remember being so immersed that when it started raining I ran my newbie Warrior into a building to get out of the rain. Then I realised it is just a game and ran around in the rain. But I also remember being pissed off a Griffin could kill me while I was resting inside an Inn in East Commonlands.

FenninEQaddict 06-19-2013 01:36 PM

The first time the screaming mace a friend of mine gave me procd. I was like a kid with a new toy running around hitting everything I could find just to see if it would proc. That was the very first thing I remember from eq.

Also there were guilds on Fennin that did events and there were a couple where we tried to invade Rivervale and the first time I entered a dungeon which was runnyeye all those goblins it was a blast.

RevengeofGio 06-19-2013 01:38 PM

The best moments of EQ were before I knew anything about mmorpgs and I played *only* to have fun with no goal whatsoever.

Halius 06-19-2013 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by eqravenprince (Post 999845)
Nothing beats the awe and sense of wonder that first few months of playing EQ. Day 1 of EQ, I still remember being so immersed that when it started raining I ran my newbie Warrior into a building to get out of the rain. Then I realised it is just a game and ran around in the rain. But I also remember being pissed off a Griffin could kill me while I was resting inside an Inn in East Commonlands.

Ha so true, that actually just happened to me, well not exactly but I got murdered on my Mage from behind by a Griffin while running through EC.

The first time I actually played the game a friend of mine let me make a character on his PC and I played to level 5 on a cleric I believe. I was so enthralled with the game that I went home and starting saving money to buy a good enough PC to run it lol. I was only 14 at the time and tried to beg my parents to upgrade the PC but it had to be with my money.

Bubbles 06-19-2013 01:46 PM

One day i was helping another necro friend powerlevel a newer guild member in kedge keep. Our druid buddy logged in and said 'oh hey guys, mind if I come hang?"

We were all 'sure bud, come on down'. And he said he'd be there as soon as he checked to see if Bilge was up in Dagnars.

Bilge wasn't up. And of course he wasn't up, cuz this was a couple years back pre- kunark when only one person on the server killed bilge. He was a blatant SEQ-user and RMTer and whatever.. This was back before this kinda stuff was policed by the GMs (back then there really wasn't a lot of GM involvement on the server side.. They were still dev'n and fixing path nodes and quests and factions and the 8 billion things those poor guys had to deal with to get the server to where it is today.

Anyways our bud found the jerk druid sitting there afk (this was like 2am PST) and he's like 'dude, bilge ain't up, and ol' Ralph is high on his perch. Think he's asleep at the wheel or something. Gonna try and kill him". My necro bud says 'omg coming to help' and druid binds inside unrest and the two of them proceed to try and train someone in perhaps the least dangerous zone on p99 if you are above level 20, much less a 50 druid.

What happens next is perhaps the greatest single achievement in blue server griefing I've ever seen. They got the Cleric BP quest npc goblin up there, they got some tidal lords up there, and Ralph is just taking a slow, slow, creeping death beating. They are scouring the zone for undertow skeletons and feigning them off on him and he's got at least 20 mobs on him plinking him for probably 1-2 dmg a pop. After like 10 minutes of this, ol' Ralph goes down to the cheers of our merry band of goofballs..

And he respawns.

Directly. on. top. of. his. corpse.

Yes, children.. He fell asleep on his bind spot. This is where it gets ugly. For the next hour a steading stream of juggling incoming undead green mobs and keeping the goblins on task knocks Ralph down to 48 (he wasn't /anon for once). The goblins are getting better hits in, but the skeletons and such are still providing only minimal help.

The lower Ralph goes, the quicker it gets.

Fast forward to like 7:30 AM. Ralph's gone from 50 to 37, and it's time to log... job well done. The pile of corpses is massive, the impossible has been achieved.

Feel Good, Inc.

diplo 06-19-2013 01:47 PM

I was killing the elves by the campfire in qhills and there were a few people camping pyzjn. to my surprise, she spawned right by me with a GBS (i already had one). I killed her and watched as 5 people crowded the corpse waiting until the corpse unlocked to loot it. was pretty funny.

mtb tripper 06-19-2013 01:48 PM

Probably running through the karanas listening to blackfoot

Harrison'sNewName 06-19-2013 01:48 PM

Vinshayr the Pumpkin, a real GM, actually doing his job on Live.

Not the chump shit we have now who can't even ban cheaters.

That's one of my fondest memories in EQ. GMs doing their jobs.

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