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Poetic 03-05-2022 12:22 PM

Twink shaman gear
Aside from Fungi, 36% haste (already have), and a fast weapon, how should I twink a shaman starting at level 1. I know I can PL, but this is just a for fun character to level quickly. Let’s say I have 50-100k budget, what’s some other items that would be overkill/fun. Prefer to stay away from the more expensive no drop items that have no liquidity later.

Not worried about the obvious jbb and epic for later levels.

DeathsSilkyMist 03-05-2022 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Poetic (Post 3431269)
Aside from Fungi, 36% haste (already have), and a fast weapon, how should I twink a shaman starting at level 1. I know I can PL, but this is just a for fun character to level quickly. Let’s say I have 50-100k budget, what’s some other items that would be overkill/fun. Prefer to stay away from the more expensive no drop items that have no liquidity later.

Not worried about the obvious jbb and epic for later levels.

Here is a breakdown of what items you should get at the appropriate level ranges. I will not repeat the items you already have for each level range, I will just list the changes to your gear you should do at the appropriate level range.

Levels 1-19:
1. Fungi Tunic - You already have.
2. Haste item - You already have.
3. Good ratio weapon - Guard Captain's Mallet. This is basically the best ratio weapon you can get for this level range, due to the damage cap. A Rune Etched Icewurm Fang is better, but about 4x the cost, and probably not worth splurging on for this level range. An 11/20 weapon will tear through mobs just fine 1-20.
4. Global Cooldown item - Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring.
5. The rest of your slots - Fill them with the best AC/HP/MP items you can afford, but you don't need to go ham and spend a bunch of money here. Whatever you can get that is cheap and easy.

Levels 20-29:
1. Good ratio weapon - Swap out your Guard Captain's Mallet for Poison Wind Censor for better DPS.

Levels 30-39:
1. Good ratio weapon - Swap out your Poison Wind Censor for Granite Face Grinder. You get a small DPS increase, as well as some stats.
2. Fungi Staff - At 35 you can start clicking this. At this level range you can just use it and swap back to your weapon. This item is one of the best items for a Shaman before Torpor. It is giving you your +15 regen spell for free. That means you are saving 300 mana every 15 minutes, which ends up being 1200 mana saved per hour. With this math, Fungi Staff is basically a Flowing Thought II item for Shamans.
3. Black Fur Boots - This pairs very well with your Fungi Staff. The one downside to Fungi Staff is the regen snares you. Having Black Fur Boots allows you to instantly switch over to SoW if you need to run away. You shouldn't worry about the snare from Fungi Staff, because you need to get used to being snared from Torpor anyway. It is a good training tool. You can't solo this, especially at 35, but it isn't difficult to kill black dire. As long as you have a few level 60 friends, it is a pretty easy fight.

Levels 40-59:
1. Fungi Staff - This level range is when you generally stop meleeing mobs. Fungi Staff becomes the best item you can place in your main hand, because it keeps your regen up, and it can act as your Global Cooldown item. It's utility outweighs the stat hit you take by not wearing a 1h weapon and shield.
2. Global Cooldown item - As mentioned above, use your Fungi Staff. You can replace the Shrunken Goblin Skull Earring with a stat earring.
3. Jaundiced Bone Bracer - You can start using this at 45. This is your best leveling tool from 45-60 besides Epic. Having manaless DPS is the biggest time saver you can get.
4. Resistance Items - Once you get into your 50s, you need to start paying attention to resistance gear. Shamans don't really have any reliable ways to interrupt spell casting, so face tanking spells with resistance gear is your best bet.
5. Spirit of the Howler - Your best pet, very useful for tanking and dps.
6. OPTIONAL - Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl - This isn't a requirement, due to it being quite a heavy investment in time. But I did it at level 52, and it helped me level to 60. I find the quest fun, but not everyone does, and obviously the time spent doing the quest could probably be put to leveling instead hehe. Once you hit 60 with Torpor this quest is easier too, so it is up to you on which order you want to do things.

Level 60:
1. Torpor - Obviously get this first, as it is the biggest game changer a Shaman can get.
2. Malo - This is the most important of your expensive spells (besides Torpor), because it allows you to slow better.
3. Pox of Bertoxxulous - This is your best DoT spell, and should be acquired after Malo. You don't really need it for leveling, which is why I placed it here.
4. Epic - If you don't have any money left after Torpor, you could sell your Fungi Tunic, JBB, and Fungi Staff for Epic money. All three of these items lose a lot of their utility once you get Torpor, so Epic becomes a better option.
5. Bane of Nife - This is the lowest priority of your expensive spells, so you can get this last. It helps speed up some fights, but it generally gets resisted more than Pox, and it is a bit less mana efficient too. I honestly do not use it that often, but it is nice to have.
6. Buy back JBB and Fungi Staff - Once you have Torpor and Epic, you should buy back JBB and Fungi Staff at some point. They are still useful, and you should be able to farm money pretty quick at this point. I don't mention buying back Fungi Tunic because it isn't very useful once you have Torpor. It still helps if you really want to get it back, but honestly Chestplate of Vindication is better, so you should probably just aim for that.
7. The rest of your slots - If you make it this far you should know what to get by then:)

The reason why I emphasize good ratio weapons from 1-40 is because Shamans are actually very good at meleeing. They have the same offensive skill caps as a warrior from levels 1-50. While Shamans don't have the DPS offensive skills like double attack, they can STR buff and self Haste. This tends to make up for the lack of things like double attack from 1-40. Face tanking with a melee weapon, haste, and slow is generally a more efficient approach to leveling from 1-40 instead of root rotting. Once mobs are 40+, they get a huge boost to their HP, AC, and damage, so meleeing loses it's efficiency. You get hit much harder, and hit less hard yourself due to the increased AC. You also don't have good damage caps, weapon selection, and no main hand damage bonus, so you start falling way behind after 40 anyway compared to melee classes. Luckily once you hit 45, you get JBB, so you should never need to melee again anyway.

sajbert 03-07-2022 02:32 PM

Fungi staff doesn’t stack with regen buffs though, right?

DeathsSilkyMist 03-07-2022 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by sajbert (Post 3432224)
Fungi staff doesn’t stack with regen buffs though, right?

No, but it is a 15 regen buff, which is the same as , the best regen buff you can cast on yourself.

Fungi Staff is basically a flowing thought 2 item for Shamans, because it removes the need for you to cast Regrowth on yourself. This saves you 1200 mana an hour. More if you are in an area where you could be dispelled.

If you have a Fungi Tunic (worn regen) and a Fungi Staff (spell regen), that is 30 regen per tick for free, no mana or spell slot usage required.

Jibartik 03-07-2022 03:04 PM

while leveling a shaman literally the only thing that makes me frustrated is casting regeneration. Its like always fading and sucks a bunch of mana so its the most annoying spell IMO and way worth the cost of plat, regen is almost not worth the cost of the cast.

Tunabros 03-07-2022 04:57 PM

i say save up for your expensive ass spells

you can just wear "normal priest" armor for your other slots

some items to consider getting to help level are JBB, fungi staff, maybe buy a tear MQ

in the future since the shaman epic is pretty easy once you have some friends to help

tbh i would prioritize your epic over your spells at lv 60

with your epic youll be able to farm enough plat to farm spells or plat

the cliff golems have a pretty high chance to drop torpor

Sizar 03-07-2022 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Tunabros (Post 3432303)
the cliff golems have an extremely low chance to drop torpor

Fixed it for you

Ripqozko 03-08-2022 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Tunabros (Post 3432303)

the cliff golems have a pretty low chance to drop a spell at all

sajbert 03-12-2022 10:02 AM

Another question. Wouldn't GFG be, stats aside, an inconsequential upgrade until lvl 40 damage cap drops? At 30 it's limited to 26dmg, i.e. it practically has the same ratio as a PWC. I guess slower attack speed means less ripostes though but eh.

ArbiterBlixen 03-12-2022 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tunabros (Post 3432303)
i have never killed a cliff golem

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