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Magnar 11-09-2014 12:40 PM

Bregan de'Asshat
Had an issue with a BDA bard swarm kiting in OT yesterday. He wasn't being singled out yesterday, as at least 3 others were doing it as well, but this time he IS being singled out because Chest decided to be a hypocritical douchebag.

Let's step into my time machine...

First, we'll go back to Monday night, where Chest spends nearly 2 hours in this live chat having a conversation with Sirken about various rules and whatever that seemingly would be 'for the benefit of the server', one topic (which was totally asinine) involved splitting the server.

We'll skip to yesterday, where for several hours, people were peacfully exping in The Overthere, then suddenly an influx of douchebags with banjos come in and start swarm kiting everything. Some people complained in /ooc, some people sent tells to the bards asking them to stop, some people petitioned.

Personally, I only saw Dizsco from BDA in the area I was killing in with a 20+ mob train on him, and it was apparently his first pull, so I asked him to stop disrupting our exp, as per Rule #8 of this post by Derubael. The Play Nice Policy actually has a lengthy conversation citing that Swarm Kiting should have been specifically mentioned as one of the things that is unacceptable by the majority of the community.

The people pulling at SF ramp went from having a steady flow of mobs to nothing in a matter of seconds. Worse off, when we did happen to see something and someone wanted to go pull, every several pulls EVERYTHING the Bard recently killed would respawn and just swarm the puller.

As Dizsco was the only person I physically saw disrupting my own gaming, I tried talking to him about it, asking if he could move somewhere else, but he decided to be a dick about it so I got ahold of BDA leadership and tried to see if something could be done. Apparently Chest only likes to pay attention to rules that benefit him. Images edited to maintain anonymity of group members and hide conversations with staff members.

So, there we have it, BDA doesn't feel the Play Nice Policy applies to them. Oh, the PnP also states that guild leadership aware of the poor behavior of their members are held responsible for their actions.

I really didn't want to call out the guild as a whole, but when your leader is a steaming shitpile of hypocrisy, it's hard not to.

Bboboo 11-09-2014 01:03 PM

1 Member of BDA = All of BDA

Magnar 11-09-2014 01:11 PM

2 members*, one of which happens to be their leader.

KagatobLuvsAnimu 11-09-2014 01:13 PM

Get this server chat garbage out of my R&F.

Pringles 11-09-2014 01:18 PM

I really dont understand why people go to OT to exp to begin with..... and then expect bards to not be there kiting. Its a prime zone for AE kiting, and it really is "classic" for bards to kite it. Sure they should be respectful to those around them, but the reality is... they're going to kite it.

Magnar 11-09-2014 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pringles (Post 1672834)
I really dont understand why people go to OT to exp to begin with..... and then expect bards to not be there kiting. Its a prime zone for AE kiting, and it really is "classic" for bards to kite it. Sure they should be respectful to those around them, but the reality is... they're going to kite it.

Everyone having access to a ridiculous amount of level 60s and powerleveling everything because it's a free server ISN'T classic, so that excuse is kinda bullshit.

Jfertal 11-09-2014 01:25 PM

You whole argument is Hypocritical.
lol at one point you say its unfair when your puller goes to grab a mob, that potential respawns from the bards kite repop and kill your puller? Heaven forbid these mobs respawn and make this game somewhat challenging for your puller to bring mobs into your group.

Exmo 11-09-2014 01:28 PM

I was in vent with Chest, talking about you while you were bitching. He was honestly trying to be helpful, but you can't expect him to curb behavior that was

1) is Allowed, You said yourself there were 3 other bards going, so no one was monopolizing the zone.

2) Chest is trying to help make the raid scene more accessible, not ensure you have a perfect day.

3) If the fact that everyone has access to multiple 60s really bothers you, you're going to have a bad time playing here.

Magnar 11-09-2014 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Exmo (Post 1672841)
I was in vent with Chest, talking about you while you were bitching. He was honestly trying to be helpful, but you can't expect him to curb behavior that was

1) is Allowed, You said yourself there were 3 other bards going, so no one was monopolizing the zone.

2) Chest is trying to help make the raid scene more accessible, not ensure you have a perfect day.

3) If the fact that everyone has access to multiple 60s really bothers you, you're going to have a bad time playing here.

Read Derubael's post. Please, one of you morons go read the post. Nowhere does it say the whole zone needs to be monopolized, just part of it where other people are being disrupted. It's allowed *if it isn't fucking with the gaming experience of other players*.

Magnar 11-09-2014 01:34 PM

Oh, and splitting the server isn't going to make the raid scene more accessible, that's just fucking stupid. The only thing that's going to fix the raid scene is someone on the staff side saying IB and TMO can't play their bullshit destructive game anymore with each other, but that clearly isn't going to happen.

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