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evelynbb 09-07-2020 07:35 AM

Crashing a lot. Issue is reproducable. Logs & info inside.
Hey fellas, tl;dr my EQ's been crashing for a few months now, and a lot more than I'm happy with. I've gone through a lot of threads on the net about this same issue, but none of them have come to a concrete resolution and I haven't been able to figure anything out.

OS: Windows 10 Home 64-bit
GFX card: 2047MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
Monitors: SB220Q (1920x1080@75Hz) & S200HL (1600x900@60Hz)
CPU: Intel Core i5 @ 2.90GHz

I'm running WinEQ2 + RAMDisk. Game runs fine outside of the crashes. The crashes generally happen a short while after zoning; OT hammer, death, or even just the initial log-in given enough time. Pre-crash logs are always the same, and I mean always. I've reproduced the following errors quite consistently by making a new character, running up to a guard and getting myself killed by them, then doing it again until I crash. The game will consistently crash after 1-4 cycles of this -- not as I'm loading, but after that as I'm doing anything, even something simple like keyboard turning or walking forwards.

My crash log:

Basically, this is looped multiple times before the game completely ceases to function:

2020-09-07 05:56:14 IDirect3DIndexBuffer::Lock() failed.
2020-09-07 05:56:14 CBufferSet::AllocateIndexBuffer() failed.
2020-09-07 05:56:14 CBufferSet::AllocateIndices() failed.
2020-09-07 05:56:14 CRender::CreateBatchDefinitionSimpleModel() failed.

after a few of that, you get this, and quite a few of them as well:

2020-09-07 05:56:14 CRender::CreateBatchDefinitionRegion() failed.
2020-09-07 05:56:14 IDirect3DIndexBuffer::Lock() failed.
2020-09-07 05:56:14 CBufferSet::AllocateIndexBuffer() failed.
2020-09-07 05:56:14 CBufferSet::AllocateIndices() failed.

A google search of "IDirect3DIndexBuffer::Lock()" brings up microsoft documentation for DirectX. Perhaps this has something to do with the version of DirectX being run by default? I feel like this is the best lead.

Other misc. things I've tried in an attempt to fix it which didn't work:

- deleting eqclient.ini
- ensuring that all of the resolutions match up within eqclient.ini
- ensuring that i am using a window resolution native to everquest
- updating graphics drivers
- completely reinstalling EQ
- changing monitor refresh rate to 60 (though this did fix mouse movement issues)
- running eqgame in windows xp (service pack 2) compatibility mode
- using wineq2 to play
- disabling my second monitor
- ensuring my graphics card is set to optimal performance
- sfcscan, repair, DISM
- crying

And... yeah. No dice on this so far. Any tech savvy folk wanna help out?

evelynbb 09-07-2020 10:35 AM

Update: moofree suggested WineD3D over on reddit. with it, i haven't been able to so effortlessly replicate the crash. i'm about an hour into testing and haven't had any issues thus far -- though, it does seem that WineD3D is incompatible with WinEQ2. regardless, this is the most probable fix i've found thus far and might just be it.

froomee 09-07-2020 12:51 PM

FWIW here's my Autohotkey script that I've been using in lieu of WinEQ2 or Borderless Gaming.

Running this with WineD3D, it's kinda flashy when alt tabbing in and out, but it's othewise fine, and has been my go-to fullscreen script since I didn't feel like signing up for an account to get WinEQ2 ;)

Upon Ctrl and =, this will move the EQ window to be borderless windowed in a 1440p main screen(which can be adjusted to whatever screen and screen-size you want), and also lock the mouse inside that window until you alt+tab.

However, you're gonna need to give the autohotkey exe admin permissions if running with XP compatbility mode. :mad:


#IfWinActive, ahk_class _EverQuestwndclass
WinSet, Style, -0xC00000,a
winmove, ahk_class _EverQuestwndclass, , 0, 0 , 2560, 1440
clipcursor(winexist("ahk_class _EverQuestwndclass") ? winexist("a") : "")
clipcursor(hwnd := "") {
    static unclip := DllCall("GetCursor")
    if hwnd {
        ;WinHide ahk_class _EverQuestwndclass
        WinGetPos, rx, ry, rw, rh, ahk_id %hwnd%
        WinGet style, style, ahk_id %hwnd%
        if style & 0xc00000 {  ; bordered window, use client area
            SysGet cap, 4      ; caption height
            SysGet bw, 32      ; border width
            SysGet bh, 33      ; border height
            rx += bw, ry += cap, rw -= (bh * 2), rh -= (cap + bh)
        VarSetCapacity(rclip, 16)
        NumPut(rx, &rclip+0)
        NumPut(ry, &rclip+4)
        NumPut(rw + rx, &rclip+8)
        NumPut(rh + ry, &rclip+12)
    } else
        WinShow ahk_class _EverQuestwndclass
    return DllCall("ClipCursor", Ptr, hwnd ? &rclip : &unclip)

xaix1999 09-07-2020 02:13 PM

looks like you are running out of ram, have you tried just running from the disk?

also run dxdiag and figure out your issues or failures with software
you are using dx8 standards to run eq even though you have dx12 (or some such)
try and resolve those issues first

Arvan 09-07-2020 02:31 PM

Get a nvme ssd and lose the ramdisk

xaix1999 09-07-2020 02:33 PM

thats not helpful, they might not have a m.2 or u.2 slot OR the money

evelynbb 09-08-2020 12:32 AM

Day 2 of testing WineD3D. Have about 5 hours of game time logged and no crashes. Was 100% a DirectX issue caused by more recent windows/nvidia updates.

So yeah, to reiterate, if y'all are having this issue, try WineD3D. Be sure to read the readme thoroughly so you don't brick your PC.

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