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Daldaen 04-11-2016 08:27 PM

Kael + ToV Rules
A few questions:

Cekenar spawns, Awakened wins a foot race and has 60 minutes to kill him. Lets say Lord Koi'Doken spawns while we are moving to Cekenar. Can we acquire FTE on Lord Koi'Doken and /shout "Awakened Concedes Cekenar in favor of Lord Koi'Doken". Allowing any other guild to at that point then run up from entrance and FTE Cekenar and replace our attempt.

Is this an allowable practice or are you locking us into the one mob we FTE even if mobs we favor are in window as well?

I assume all FTEers must start at the door/entrance in ToV and the ice/dirt interchange in Kael?

I assume if another mob spawns while you're fighting Vulak, the guild fighting Vulak will inevitably get FTE on those extra dragons. A guild must be given the ability to concede said dragons without penalty.

If a guild fails to kill the mob within 60 minutes, is the mob then FFA and the zone specific rules don't apply anymore? Or does the next FTEer get FTE and then they have a 60 minutes.

If a guild fails to kill the mob within 60 minutes, how long must they wait to acquire another FTE and make another attempt at the target?

Can raid guilds camp at anywhere in the zone and compete for any target (IE can you camp out in NToV and contest Triplets) assuming that your FTE runners are starting from the zoneline?

bktroost 04-11-2016 08:42 PM

I saw no change to the raid vicinity rule and they are still active in the rule post as of yet.

This should answer all of your questions unless he changes the rule. If you are fighting up to cekenar and another dragon spawns you concede that new dragon according to the current rules because you were past zone line when it popped.

Sirken 04-11-2016 08:45 PM

1) as of right now, you are locked in to what you kill for 60 min, or until it's dead. i see your point and you aren't the first person to raise this concern. Staff will discuss it, and if needed we'll add wording to allow a FTE'd target to be dropped in favor of a different target.

2) id say anywhere in the zonein room of ToV is fine. feel free to work out the exact spot with your fellow players. as for Kael, the ice/dirt interchange is fair imo.

3) agreed, and the staff will accept the concession in place of a raid suspension, just take to SS of the concession as proof should you be petitioned.

4) the guild has 60 min to engage the raid target. if they wipe, or exceed the 60 min limit on engaging, the raid target then becomes FFA and these footrace rules do not apply.

5) a guild is free to FTE another raid target as soon as they kill the mob they FTE'd, or as soon as 60 min has expired. if a guild wipes, the raid target then becomes FFA and these footrace rules do not apply.

6) as mentioned in the thread, the ToV/Kael rules are in addition to the other server rules. so not, you still can not camp out players in the vicinity of raid targets.

arsenalpow 04-11-2016 08:50 PM

Might want to add that "when a guild wipes it's FFA" addendum to the rules as you just said that here and it wasn't reflected originally.

Daldaen 04-11-2016 08:51 PM

6. We can have trackers camped near the targets of course though? Up to two players. Because we would often camp out trackers and killa mob and relog trackers back in etc.

Anichek 04-11-2016 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Sirken (Post 2238626)
1) as of right now, you are locked in to what you kill for 60 min, or until it's dead. i see your point and you aren't the first person to raise this concern. Staff will discuss it, and if needed we'll add wording to allow a FTE'd target to be dropped in favor of a different target.

Makes sense, in reality, as long as they announce they are dropping FTE - and not abused as a stall. Securing 1 mob and then calling out you are dropping it to insta-engage another means you stalled the first mob up to 1 hour.

Kill it, or let your hour burn, or wipe to it. If you don't really want it, and wished it was a different mob, maybe don't tie your FTE up on the one you do not really want?

I can see both sides - forfeiing to move on, or being held to kill what you claim (or at least try to)....just tough to close the abuse gap on the FTE forfeit loophole turning into a 100% stall tactic when windows are close together. Willing to let it run and see how it plays out, though!

Pint 04-11-2016 09:36 PM

What if you have FTE on Statue but vindi is in your way, or any combination of ToV dragons in each others paths. Is it just understood that youre not intentionally fte'ing the mob in the way of your FTE'd mob? Should we just go about our business and then concede the mob that had to be illegally FTE'd bc it was in the way of the target mob?

Can we still kill at the zone in if everyone's FTE'ers are at the zone in? Is this illegal since everyone's racers will be at the zone in or is it just understood that if you pull a mob to the zone in and wipe then you concede that mob? Curious about this in relation to normal windows but also earthquakes where no guild will want to waste an FTE on killing LTK in order to be able to pull there.

bktroost 04-12-2016 12:40 AM

Fight to the mobs seems to be the cleanest solution. You lose your fte if you fte another mob along the way with how it is written.

Daldaen 04-12-2016 12:56 AM

Statue FTE just became immensely more interesting.

Breaken 04-12-2016 07:56 AM

The rule specifically mentions:

"All Temple of Veeshan raid targets as well as King Tormax / Statue"

I would believe getting FTE on Derakor does not play a role in this.

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