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Darkace 02-15-2021 10:13 PM

New Ogr War on Green!
And whew, what a tough grind it is! I’m level 9 now and I’ve been so grateful for the community. I have had a positive experience with random players chatting me up and helping me break camps or buff on the fly.

With that said, I’m very eager to join groups. At what lvl do I start getting groups and in what zones? I just currently moved to UGuk but only see players in their 20s.

Also any suggestions of places I can solo in lvl 9, I would appreciate it!

Hit me up in game on green if you want to group!


Hibbs 02-18-2021 05:14 AM

Just started a paladin. Hung out around EC selling deathfist belts and bone chips + free buffs. Befallen is good Xp but tight spaces.

unsunghero 02-18-2021 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by Darkace (Post 3261753)
And whew, what a tough grind it is! I’m level 9 now and I’ve been so grateful for the community. I have had a positive experience with random players chatting me up and helping me break camps or buff on the fly.

With that said, I’m very eager to join groups. At what lvl do I start getting groups and in what zones? I just currently moved to UGuk but only see players in their 20s.

Also any suggestions of places I can solo in lvl 9, I would appreciate it!

Hit me up in game on green if you want to group!


I don’t want to sound too negative because I love p99 so far, but you generally won’t see a lot of advertisements for groups. At least I didn’t, and according to other posters I’ve read on the green forums, others haven’t either. A LOT of people roll solo classes. There is going to be as many druids and necromancers around as all other classes combined on green server. And these guys don’t need to group

That’s NOT to say that groups aren’t happening. They are, lots of them. But they aren’t being advertised. I think they form by people asking their guild if anyone wants to join them, or by people who rolled chars together (I’ve spotted some of these who picked the same last name). Or from this last category which is what I recommend for you: people who just walked up and asked to join someone. That’s what I recommend. Don’t wait for a group invite, you’ll be waiting all day and it will never come. Spot someone or 2+ people and walk up, hail them, and ask if you can join them for a while

What you have going for you is the community, which is indeed super friendly and helpful. They will most likely say yes, especially ones who understand how hard it can be to be a solo melee on P99. I have been soloing 99% of my time on P99 but you can bet your ass if a war or rogue walked up and asked to group for a bit I’d say yes to help them out. So that’s my recommendation, just walk up and ask someone

Darkace 02-18-2021 01:30 PM

You’re right, I have been seeing a lot of solo classes in the starting areas. I’ve had a couple opportunities to duo or trio by just inviting people. I’m hoping as I get higher lvl that I can find groups since new, untwinked warriors like myself have a tough time soloing.

Jibartik 02-18-2021 01:32 PM

Welcome! Now that youre 9, maybe try heading to the oasis, north ro, south ro, and /ooc Ogre war LFG! and see if you can kills some bandits and gaters!

edit: also eq is like life in the 1800s, its what YOU make of it. You may get lucky and find a gold nugget (rng) you may find someone who tosses you some free gear, you may get invited into a group randomly from someone searching all over.

But the main thing you gotta do is put your foot in the door. The best way IMO is to just never stop looking, find the zones people level in for your level range, go there, and literally send tells to people "hey got room for ogre in your group?"

If you see a group of people kiling stuff, stop and count them, are there 6? if not, send each one a tell, "hey can i join ogre war LFG!!"

Theyll 9.9/10 times let you join if there is room, and if they say they are full up, say cool can I join if a spot opens up? and just sit there and start watching another epsode of SLIDERS.

Once you get into a group, if you want to play for another 4-10 hours, fill the spots, ask if anyone is leaving soon and when? start going /who all class/level and cold call people with tells "hey im in a group at X and we gonna need a rep for Your Class in 30 you wana come over?"

get creative and keep tending to the machine that is the grind.

You do this, and youll pug your way to 60 ez! :D

But it takes tenacity!

unsunghero 02-18-2021 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Darkace (Post 3263522)
You’re right, I have been seeing a lot of solo classes in the starting areas. I’ve had a couple opportunities to duo or trio by just inviting people. I’m hoping as I get higher lvl that I can find groups since new, untwinked warriors like myself have a tough time soloing.

Yeah I do a /who frequently in every zone I am in. The list usually looks like this:

Enchanter (me)

It’s not bad that ~50% of the server are druids, that is who you should prioritize when you ask to group (if you can’t find a shaman or cleric who are even better). I cannot do much with you as an enchanter early on, nor could someone like a mage. This is because the mob AI is designed to always target a player over a pet if a player is in range. So you will always be the one tanking rather than a pet AND we couldn’t heal you back up. You could group with a necro (and these are all over the place on green) fairly effectively if you guys are in an outside space and the necro snares the mob and fears it, then you can beat on the mob without getting hit back. But shaman would be your best partner, followed by cleric, and druids are prolly third best

But like others have said if you go to a lower level dungeon like befallen, blackburrow, or crushbone and just sit and the ent and ask if any groups have a spot for a war, you could get an invite that way. Later on there is unrest and upper guk. But I am def not a dungeon expert on all of them and their levels

axisofebola 02-18-2021 03:04 PM

In A.D. 2021

An ogre war was beginning.

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