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theonesler 01-08-2019 09:43 AM

A warrior and his stats
Hey all,

I am sure there is/are threads somewhere on this topic but I couldn't find anything that was very comprehensive. It's been years since I've played EQ and I can't remember the actual function and effect of each stat. I know some of the basic things but the finer details of how each stat impacts my warrior is lost on me. So, can anyone explain or link me to a place that explains the impact of each stat (STR, STA, AGI, DEX, INT, WIS, CHA) on a character?

Thanks for any help that is given. Take care!

Bonti Coas
22 Dwarven Warrior

Muggens 01-28-2019 09:59 PM

Try searching stats on the wiki, should be info there. STA for instance equals 10hp pr stamina point for a warrior, str raises accuracy and dmg, dex make u proc more.

Jimjam 01-29-2019 03:34 AM

Most of the time stats are just there to boost your ego.

Dillusional 01-29-2019 09:40 AM

That is the wiki page on stats but it has misleading and wrong information concerning warriors / p99.

Warrior specific info:

Strength: of secondary concern, but it does affect damage and your ability to stay unencumbered. Don't put starting points into it as a warrior. Your job is to take damage, not to dish it out.

Stamina: converts directly to hit points, very important stat for warriors. 10hp per stamina at level 60 I think. non-ogre warriors usually put all of their starting points into this and for good reason.

Agility: agility gives you AC at a low conversion rate beyond long as you have 75 agility, don't worry about your agility.

Dexterity: very important warrior stat. It affects the rate at which your weapon effects will "proc". Warriors use weapon procs to generate agroe in this game. As a tank class, generating agroe is important. Ogre warriors usually spend all of their starting points on dexterity.

Int/wis: whichever one of these is higher will determine the rate at which you level up trade skills.

cha: Affects how much money merchant's will give you for your goods. It also is a factor in the success of the spell Divine Intervention. Which will give you a second chance at life while tanking a raid boss. Not many people seem to actually worry about this in the end game though.

Troxx 01-29-2019 10:17 AM

As a dwarf warrior I prioritized dexterity. I put most of my starting stats towards it and do not regret it. Dexterity on gear has been more challenging than stamina for me. By 60 this has meant that focus alone gets me to 247 dexterity but unfortunately I only buff out to ~220 stamina so it didn’t come without a price.

The good news is that I have plenty of room for upward growth and have a clear path of upgrades to get to 255/255 dex/stamina without needing a bucket of ToV loot.

Your mileage may vary but procs are our lifeblood for aggro and without aggro we can’t effectively tank.

In short:

Strength: your attack goes up, your max hit goes up, you carry more

Agility: less than 75 your ac takes a huge hit. Over that the gains in avoidance are negligible

Dexterity: weapon procs. 255 dex is 2 procs per minute mainhand, one offhand. Some have postulated higher dex helps parry and riposte rate but this is very uncertain and likely negligible even if present.

Stamina: a primary warrior stat. Directly impacts hp total and does give more endurance.

Intelligence: of no real concern. May help you learn some skills faster

Wisdom: same as above

charisma: higher charisma helps you sell better to a point. If someone ever casts divine intervention on you it will help it fire more often

Raev 01-29-2019 02:28 PM

Basically what Troxx said except that:

IMHO Agility is extremely underrated here. After reading the TAKP code, I learned that going from 100 -> 255 AGI is like +10% avoidance AC. Theoretically 10% avoidance AC should be better than 10% mitigation AC, but if we assume they are roughly equivalent and that Warriors have about 400 real AC, then 150 AGI is probably about 30 item AC (remember 1 worn AC = 1.33 real ac before the soft cap for :dumb: reasons) or 5 AGI : 1 AC. TLDR: I wouldn't break out the serpentine bracers, but AGI isn't 'nearly worthless'.

The problem with stacking DEX is that a) while raiding, the vast majority of your threat comes from mallets/strings/prayers b) the bio orb is amazing c) you can easily cap dexterity with a willing shaman by casting mortal deftness and then focus. This whole business is kind of dumb: proc hate should be capped at 400 which should limit mallets (although, it also makes dex less worthwhile) and dex+focus stacking is a replicated bug. Worst case you can always cap all non-STA stats with Avatar.

In conclusion: the full endgame build is max CHA for DI, the 'normal' endgame build is max STA counting on dex/focus/avatar for other melee stats, and the 'leveling' build is DEX.

Zabbix 01-29-2019 02:34 PM

agi above 200 has no effect on avoidance in takp. it does have miniscule effect on mitigation but you would be hard pressed to parse that.

agility is pretty nice here on p1999 though like you said

Raev 01-29-2019 02:51 PM

You are looking at Client::GetMitigation.


// this is the precise formula that Sony/DBG uses
// minus the drunkeness reduction (add this later)
int Client::GetAvoidance()
        int32 defense = GetSkill(SkillDefense);

        if (defense > 0)
                defense = defense * 400 / 225;

        return defense + (GetAGI() > 40 ? (GetAGI() - 40) * 8000 / 36000 : 0)
+ itembonuses.AvoidMeleeChance;        //Item Mod 'Avoidence'

Warriors will have a base avoidance AC of 252 * 400 / 225 = 448 from defense skill. 150 agility improves avoidance AC by 150 * 8000 / 36000 = 33, which is about 7%. I think I got the 10% for when I ran the numbers on my Shaman, who only had 200 defense. Anyway, Agility is not worthless.

And all of that integer multiplication/division with non powers of 2 is really triggering me.

Edit: hmm, maybe they changed it after I read the code <shrg>

Zabbix 01-29-2019 03:00 PM

that's old code ya anything on github viewable to the public is gonna be years old. i know p1999 mitigation simulates live very well but no clue what Haynar did in regards to avoidance here.

Doctor Jeff 01-29-2019 08:10 PM

Parses over 200 minutes of combat at 100, 200, and 255 AGI indicate that every 10 points of between 100-200 offer ~1% damage mitigation with a decreased effect over the soft-cap.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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