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IzHaN80 04-11-2023 12:56 PM

Person keeps annoying me at FM Giants
So, i been wanting to hit 60, and i stood upon the 2 giant spot that is underground the Giant Fort at FM. Been there literally for days, hours, and whenever somebody sees you in there, everybody is cool and chill and ask you how long you will be there. I've met amazing people, but i am having problems with this person in particular, idk what to do anymore. This person shows up, asks for CC, then says that we can't claim 2 mobs in an outdoor zone (even tho i do handle them both without issues at respawn time) then despite the fact i tell this person there were others before that didn't claim or jump into the camp, starts attacking the mob that "claimed" and in my defense, i will attack the mob and wont let this person XP and then says i am breaking the TOS and ima get reported, clearly, trying to push me out of this camp.... What can i do before i get crazy?

Ekco 04-11-2023 01:04 PM

Hello, this is Bing. I’m sorry to hear that you are having problems with another player in your game. It sounds like you are playing EverQuest, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game. I’m not very familiar with the game mechanics or rules, but I can try to offer some general advice.��

First of all, you should try to stay calm and polite when dealing with other players, even if they are rude or aggressive. Sometimes people act differently online than they do in real life, and they may not realize how their actions affect others. You can try to explain your situation and ask them to respect your camp, or offer to share the mobs or take turns. Maybe they will listen and cooperate, or maybe they will leave you alone.

Secondly, you should check the game’s terms of service and code of conduct to see if there are any rules or guidelines about camping or claiming mobs in outdoor zones. If there are, you should follow them and report any players who violate them to the game moderators or customer service. If there are no clear rules, then you may have to accept that some players will try to compete with you for the mobs, and decide whether it’s worth fighting over them or finding another spot.

Thirdly, you should remember that it’s just a game, and it’s supposed to be fun and enjoyable. Don’t let one person ruin your experience or make you crazy. You said you met amazing people at the spot, so maybe you can make friends with them and form a group or a guild. That way, you can have more support and protection from other players, and also have more fun and social interaction.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your game and hitting 60!��

jadier 04-11-2023 01:11 PM

I mean, you aren't allowed to monopolize more than 1 outdoor spawn, so he's technically correct. When he's around, you just kill one of the two and he kills the other and life goes on.

Or you go to a different camp. Or try grouping!

IzHaN80 04-11-2023 01:24 PM

Nah, i just left, is the only good spot to hit 60, this person clearly doing it in purpose to run me off of camp, in fact, this person called a GM to make me split the camp, so i just moved on. Even the GM did concur with me that this person did it in purpose but that unfortunately those were the rules. Play nice they say :D

Trexller 04-11-2023 01:26 PM

i'd ban both parties

one for being a douche, and the other for crying about it

and OP needs to learn about spots like neriak arena

IzHaN80 04-11-2023 01:27 PM

Like, nobody else does ask you to share 1 giant in that spot, unless they're clearly trying to run you off by abusing the system. I wasn't giving him my spot, until the GM decided to show up... Even some guildies of this person, did tell me how awful this person was, and the dirty low tactics this person employes to run off people. The only thing i have left is to contact their Guild Master, becasue they were already investigating this person because there were already complaints about its behaviour. We will see what happens.

Toxigen 04-11-2023 01:40 PM

name and shame brotha man

IzHaN80 04-11-2023 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Toxigen (Post 3600969)
name and shame brotha man

Not worth it, the persons that has to know about this person behaviour are already informed, but i bet 1000% that if you find that person around, you will notice already.

Toxigen 04-11-2023 02:28 PM

arent you a necro?

lots of places better than some shit giants out in FM

IzHaN80 04-11-2023 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Toxigen (Post 3600982)
arent you a necro?

lots of places better than some shit giants out in FM

I'd be happy if somebody told me some places that aren't HS or KC, i'd be happy to hunt there.

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