Thread: Bregan D'Aerth
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Old 07-22-2010, 05:43 PM
HippoNipple HippoNipple is offline

Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 4,095

I'm going to go ahead and bump this to the top - I am a semi casual player and have really enjoyed the guild so far. There are a lot of guys that are on regularly and it's a good group. Lot of people that know what they are doing without the people that have beef with everyone that are usually in competent guilds.

I remember hearing of a couple of bad apples before my time in the guild but that hasn't been the case since I have been around. The guild leaders really care about the reputation and will take care of it if there are guildies that don't deserve to be in the guild.

So if you are considering a new guild or joining your first do a /who all bregan and give one of us a /tell! We have people of all levels, so if you are looking for a guild with people in your range no matter your level we got it covered.