Thread: FTE shouts
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Old 07-08-2013, 02:42 PM
nilbog nilbog is offline
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Originally Posted by Skope [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There's also undeniably a fair amount of favoritism towards zerg guilds with massive numbers by pushing massive windows - and to this point, both Nilbog and Rogean have admitted as much.

So what've we got as of late...

- We've got Nilbog and Rogean changing the mechanics of every NPC in the game because a few people used mouse and keyboard recorders to grab FTE. Somehow changing the mechanics of every NPC in the game is the logical solution to this problem.

- They've added another variance on top of the former one (that never worked and has been in place for three years) that the vast majority of players don't want, admitting that it's to the detriment of the majority of this server's raiding guilds and players. Mind you that this has been in place since February of this year, because apparently an "oopsie" that they admit actually harms more people than it helps is quite fine to sit in place for half a year (and it would be uncharacteristic to expect any sort of changes at all)

- Now we get an FTE shout mechanic that's going to require another 3-4 fixes before it's even passable

Frieza, there's little doubt the raid scene is a constant work in progress but that would be ignoring the apathy, ignorance, and inaptitude of the two at the top to actually take the proper steps to correct - or more accurately take any steps at all. It's gotten to the point where it's the same two people fumbling ball yet you're pointing to the dropped ball as the problem.

You can have the most accurate code that very closely resembles classic, but if you're implementation is anything but then it's all for nothing. What makes this worse is that they've admitted there are serious issues with it and that they've pushed patches recently that benefit no one or favor a certain subset of people, yet it's been nearly half a year and it still hasn't been fixed. If you're thinking, "How does that even happen?" then you need to remember that it's the same two people that kept the massive variance when it didn't work for a full three years, push patches that don't agree with, and are about as consistent as a coin flip. When you take into account what's happened the last 3+ years then it makes far more sense: they don't give a fuck, so why the hell do you?

Well I'm on right now, not giving a fuck I guess. Adding the fte shouts, which are perl.. not even c++, took all of 10 minutes to figure out the best way, then about 5 more to implement. If it saves our gms time and petitions, great. If not, they will be changed or removed. This thread isn't about variance. If anyone on the 'staff' would want no variance, it is me. I also want npcs to win every fight, for players to have no item links, move around items within banked containers, and have their autoattack key default bound to 'A'. These issues to me are just as important as variance is to you.

I don't perform GM duties nor pay the folks who do.. so you won't see me forcing that upon them, especially when Rogean is in charge of csr. Go ahead and blame me if you need, because it certainly says project manager beneath my name. If you have a problem with content, you come right to me, ok?


For those who asked: weekly simulated patch day respawns are still on my agenda and will continue to be worked on amidst velious development.

The fte messages will not function on the pvp server.