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Old 08-15-2013, 03:24 PM
Izor_01 Izor_01 is offline

Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 37

I am just starting to play a shaman which is my first real attempt at a character on this server, I got him to lvl 17 yesterday and it’s been a little bit testing at times...

The last few levels I have really been not able to take a hit and I have had to resort to root rotting which has been working on but hugely draining on my mana. After one fight and I have to chill out for a couple minutes and med I won’t pull anything unless I am 80M+.... I am assuming Cani will help greatly with this and I am looking forward to getting to 24( trading cyber-sex for PL... LOL)

Root rotting is pretty slow but its steady exp my advice to people who want to roll a shaman is be patient and solo in outdoor zones that way if things get a little dicey you can run to zone without much worry, but grouping would likely be the best bet…
Izor lvl 21 shaman

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