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Old 10-31-2013, 09:01 PM
Jzendo Jzendo is offline

Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 41

Originally Posted by Oakengroves [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I have reviewed all leading treatises and learned Project 1999 materials regarding the "choice of class" issue for new P1999 players. Sadly, I still have a few questions and concerns. I played a warrior in EQlive, but have little desire to relive the days of no soloing capability and gear dependency. My class selection concerns are as follows:

(1) I prefer to play "good" races because I enjoy exploring "good areas."

(2) I desire to play a class that can solo well. I am leaning towards monk because it was always my favored twink class on EQlive, but I am concerned that my untwinked monk will not solo very well past level 30. I've also read that starting out as a monk is difficult because it is harder to earn plat due to weight limitations. I am also concerned that I would not be up to par pulling in groups due to noobness [I MT'ed in EQlive and pulled most pre-Luclin zones, but it has been a very, very long time].

(3) My play time is limited and being able to AFK between kills is important on most days. This likely limits my class selection to Monk, Necro, and SK due to FD capability. After monk, I consider necro the second leading class for me to consider playing. Unfortunately, I never played a caster in EQlive, and it would probably be difficult for me to learn how to play a caster [I am used to pulling and tanking things, afterall]. I am also concerned that a necro, even a human, would not be able to prance through all the good zones.

...So, I find myself a bit torn between monk and necro for the reasons above. Any other options I should consider? Is the necro such a better soloer/first time character that I should consider playing one over a monk?

Your thoughts, comments, and dire assistance is greatly appreciated.
The two classes that seem to meet all your criteria, for me, are Barbarian Shaman and any race of Magician.

Assuming you are fresh to the server, a mage will be much easier leveling from 1-34, and can do so with no gear (as long as you can out-nuke your pet's DPS- it's harder now that they nerfed XP on 51% pet damage). Mages can't FD and can't keep pace soloing at 50+, but they're straightforward, easy to play, and are valued DPS at higher levels and raids.

Shamans have a rough life from 1-24. Your spells don't really push you into viability until you get Regen and Canni at 24. Pet is a huge boost at 34 as well. My current main is an Ogre Shaman and with full battle gear he's close to unstoppable for solo grinding. With my epic at 53 I can solo 3 or 4 seafury cyclopses at once- the only downtime for me on seafury island is when other people are pulling them all. Barbarians are widely considered the weakest of the shaman races but once you work your way up to regen items and a JBB it won't really matter.

My first toon was a DE necro and I almost exclusively soloed from 1-54. They have a variety of tools available and they're a lot of fun to play- but unless you're an Erudite, Human, or Gnome, you won't have the "good" areas open to you, and even then you won't be welcome in some places.

Best of luck whichever way you go!
Gorek Mountainstorm - Ogre Shaman