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Old 11-01-2013, 10:55 PM
Salient Salient is offline

Join Date: Oct 2013
Posts: 19
Default Help with EQ install on Mac!

Hello. I have read many guides and posts here but I still seem to not quite have all the right ingredients together. I followed Phobus' post and he has graciously responded to quite a few of my PMs while trying to configure everything. I decided to make these questions public so that maybe I can get EQ working through a collective of knowledge.

I have installed EQ 2x following Phobus' guide. Both times have resulted with the same black windowed 1999 screen which eventually sports a pink rectangular box in the top of my screen with a crude-white EULA lettering but I am unable to do anything from there but quit the program.

Installation Comment:
Computer: Macbook Pro DuoCore w/ 2 gigs of ram and a GMA 950 video card. I was able to get it working great on the EQ Mac server.

I meticulously followed Phobus' guide. The first time I installed the game, before starting over I attempted to use "Druxa's All in one set up" to see if it might resolve anything I missed. It still didn't allow me to play but I did notice upon looking in the P99 folder that there was an EQEmu file that had previously not been there. There is not one there now as well. Though I have and EQEmu forum PW/acc and Login Server PW/acc I am still unsure what exactly to download or how to go about it.

I'm probably overlooking something obvious but I'm hoping someone can help me since I am in no way program or code techy when it comes to computers.

Thanks for your time and comments. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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