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Old 11-15-2013, 10:32 AM
dethbringre dethbringre is offline
Fire Giant

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Posts: 508

Originally Posted by arsenalpow [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You need to get your AGI over that magical threshold (75 I think?) before you start dumping points into STA/STR

Dwarves have the best starting stats and they can wear the good cultural shit. Epic is BIS due to the fact that you can still bash with it. Just use blind for pvp. It's cheap to cast and more likely to land than a mana hungry stun.
Dont waste your time on silly AGI at the start. Cat O Nine Tails from Eruds Crossing is +18 AGI proc at lvl 20, puts you well above the 75 threshold and last for 36 mins. Only downside is it procs a bit slow and weighs 8lbs.

Alot of suggestions I see here say go 2hander only, but I wouldnt ignore 1hs+shield, Bash can be VERY handy when fighting casters in pvp and pve.

Also, I alot of talk about Root for pvp being handy and yes it is, however, with the current resist changes on Red, Root will rarely land. My focus in pvp is usually Stuns, Blind, Dispells, and if I have the mana and seem to be landing most of my stuns, I'll try a Root, but its generally gonna resist. The key for me so far has been Stuns + Dispells.

For casters go Sword and Board and watch the caster messages and be ready for a Stun or Bash.

For melee, as a pally your pretty hard to kill to begin with so just back into a corner and start swing that big hitting 2hander, if things go south hit LoH. When fighting an SK he is gonna try to whittle down your HP enough to one shot you with HT. So its a gamble when to use your LoH.

For shamans, necros and the occasional SK who DoTs. Keep up your cures that can really save you.

Sorry I went on a rant, I'm sleepy and a bit high.