Thread: Rampage
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Old 03-04-2014, 11:54 AM
Saltefanden Saltefanden is offline

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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Denmark, Europe.
Posts: 213

Old world rampage is very easy to control once you understand it. The rules are set in stone and are always the same. Every time someone comes up with some "mystery" rampage it turns out that other factors came into play and rampage did indeed work as advertised. These rules apply to all PRE-POP rampage mobs. With the advent of PoP, mobs gained the ability to AE rampage so the rules have changed, but they are still the same for pre-pop mobs and all mobs that SINGLE rampage.

Rules for single rampage:

1. The rampage list is static and is not changed by zoning or death. The only things that will change the rampage list is a successful memblur, camping out, or on rare occassions when FD successfully memblurs.

2. The rampage list is set in the exact order that players get agro, they do not have to do damage, bard songs and debuffs will also get someone on the rampage list as will proximity and in some cases line of sight is enough (emperor comes to mind).

3. Rampage hits only 1 person each time it triggers. The person taking rampage is subject to a full normal round of attacks. If the mob quads and bashes, 1 round of rampage will be a quad + bash (if bash is up).

4. Rampage NEVER hits the person who has current agro, even if they are #1 on the rampage list. If the top person in rampage range has agro, it will hit the next person on the list that is in range.

5. Rampage has a range and it is different for every mob. Some mobs, the range is smaller than max melee range, other mobs the range is damn near the entire zone.

6. Rampage never his someone who has successfully FD'd. When the person gets back up they will resume their place on the rampage list unless they got lucky and the FD memblured the mob. This is why monks and SKs are great rampage tanks. If they miss a heal, they can FD until a heal lands.

7. Rampage is a proc. Cripple helps reduce the number of rampages a mob does.

The best thing an up and coming guild can do is to learn to manage rampage on a rooted rampaging mob - IV in Akheva is a really great training mob. You can see the rules in action, the results are replicatable.

Keep in mind that these rules only apply to pre-PoP mobs. AE rampage is a whole different beast.

This was posted in 2003 though, so not sure if its useful? Anyway, figured I'd throw it here just in case.