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Old 03-23-2014, 02:45 PM
Daysprung Daysprung is offline

Join Date: Nov 2013
Posts: 55
Default The official RMTer Goodbye P1999 Thread

So I'll be the first to start this thread up. There are 400 of us so should be a popular thread [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

I bought a Fungi Tunic from Platlord back in January for my Monk "Mylee". So beware if you think he got out of this unscathed. Mentioning names to keep future people safe since honestly this sucks the big one. Over 50 RL days of work flushed away.

But I would do it again. I would do it again, including the RMT, in a heartbeat. It made the game more playable during a time when I didn't think I could handle leveling up a new character due to time constraints. This game is amazing and brought me back to a time in my youth that I truely enjoyed. These days I dont have the same time to put in that I did back then but I do have a whole lot more money, so you can see the allure [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

I wish p1999 the best, thanks to the staff for making this experience possible. Eunomia in particular was a great person to deal with. Derubael, thanks for humoring my last attempt at getting my account back. Sirken, your streams were fun to watch and I enjoyed your DT's in Sebilis.

Goodbye to all my friends and guildies as well, sorry for the wasted time in helping me and I'm sorry I wont be there with you guys in the future but it was fun while it lasted. I think most people will have lost friends in this ban wave (600 characters, hard to imagine anyone not losing someone they knew) so lets all say goodbye.

Fairwell p1999!

- Daysprung (60 Cleric), Mylee (55 Monk) , Deciderius (BANK MULE)