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Old 04-02-2014, 12:42 PM
Sidelle Sidelle is offline
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Originally Posted by Peatree [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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Lol! <3 Spaceballs

Originally Posted by Bardalicious [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Soooo a figurine of an eskimo-looking thing and a deep sea diver?

Is it likely there is life on other planets? Sure. It's statistically probable that there is liquid water on other planets that host at least some sort of microorganism. Intelligent life? Maybe. Intelligent life that's capable of intergalactic space travel but incapable of formally revealing themselves? C'mon now..

As much as I'd like to believe, do you honestly think that some carving from 1000 BC is evidence of extraterrestrial life? We're not talking about a group of cavemen here, after all. The Mayans were extremely advanced for their time to have developed their own writing system, with which they recorded their own history, religion, astronomy and advanced mathematics. Is it that far a leap to think that they fantasized about the same questions of life beyond Earth as we do today?

I suppose when our civilization finally collapses, a few thousand years later they'll find these posts on elf sim forums backed up on some old server and the cycle will continue.
I pretty much agree with you. I just think it's fun to believe in the possibility there are advanced beings out there somewhere. The ancient carvings and drawings of "spacemen" simply make things more interesting because they can't be easily explained away, imo - and they really do look like astronauts. I just hope that if they are out there they will show themselves before I'm dead and satisfy my curiosity.

But anyway, if they do exist, more than likely they would avoid us like the plague. Either that or they would annihilate us because our planet truly has an overabundance of stupid assholes.

Originally Posted by Gaffin 7.0 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
how do you explain the pyramids in egypt. only has been one debunk that could be possible but i still dont believe it. ever seen inside that motherfucker? no way you can do that with their tools they had or the numbers of people.

how do you explain puma punku? 10 ton stones cut completely perfect like not even our modern day saws can do with diamond blades. stacked on top of each other. 90 degree angles with perfect smooth cuts.

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Yeah, this kind of stuff very interesting, indeed. It keeps me hoping that we aren't alone.
Sidelle SUNRISE - 60 Wood Elf Assassin | Zhalara BLACKTHORN - 33 Wood Elf Druid
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