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Old 04-02-2014, 02:13 PM
Hollywood Hollywood is offline

Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 351

Originally Posted by Robben [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
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If you have a newborn/toddler, EQ isn't a very forgiving game. Don't join a fast-paced group if you have to constantly check on your little ones.

I'm not saying you have no right to play, but way too many times have I encountered people that complain about having to take care of a crying child because it inconveniences their elf simulator time...

Could you imagine being raised by someone like that? I'd hope I came before an EQ emulator in my parent's priorities.
Careful there, you may offend another one of people's sensitivities because they feel guilty.

Totally agree though.

Having said that, I play with a cleric who takes care of her child and groups simultaneously - while not neglecting it! The difference between her and most of the people in this thread, is that she still manages to be courteous about the fact that HER life is affecting the level of consistency and attention she can have towards the game - rather than having the attitude that other people in the game are affecting her real life. Despite everything she puts up with, she'll communicate always. And in turn, we always happily let her go about handling things when she needs to, without question.

And that's the crux here. Apparently some people are too good to communicate - I guess it's beneath them!
Last edited by Hollywood; 04-02-2014 at 02:20 PM..