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Old 04-08-2014, 12:58 PM
bktroost bktroost is offline
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The issue is that that request exceeds player agreed arrangements. We can mutually agree that whoever has sufficient force to down a mob can lawefully tag a mob, however, how do we track that? Lets assume that all Class R and class C guild agreed you needed at least X amount of players in zone to do that. Why not just make X players sit logged in on a lvl 1 rogue with hide/sneak on the entire duration of a mobs window? If they are anon how does any other player know that Guild A and B actually have X raid capable players in zone.

At sev there was 18 taggers and 9 guild represented. Each guild produced between 20-70 people on his pop in under 2 minutes. That makes the average 45. If there are over 300 people in zone in a span of 2 minutes when a mob pops how can we monitor that Guild A who got the tagg actually only had 20 people before he popped? And if we somehow were able to do that how can players monitor that only those 20 people were the ones who engaged Sev when they did bring him to the camp?

This kind of request goes above the power of any player made agreement and seeks the help of GMs. The best result we can hope for is either a "yes, if players were to agree on this the GMs would enforce something to help keep the racing spirit alive." or " No, GMs are too busy to monitor this kind of activity and everyone needs to think of some other way to keep the racing spirit alive."

(These are thoughts about the about the practicality of making a tagger wait until there is sufficient force.)


In reference to a tagger being zoned out and having to zone in/ log in from a predetermined acceptable point before tagging: Again, how do players monitor that?

We can agree to it fully and happily, but if there is no predetermined area for every mob then again there is no way to monitor and enforce this. Sev for example, can be pulled to TT but a tagger could camp out at CoM, TT, anywhere on the south wall and on the east and west wall after the cliff drop out. We cannot fraps the entire zone.

My proposal is that a tagger must enter from a different zone before they are able to tag. It is easy enough to fraps a ZL or multiple ZLs with See Invis on and any guild could monitor that. No GMs necessary. That would work for CT, Inny, Sev, Trak, Tally, Faydedar, VP, VS, Maestro, Draco... I can't think of a zone or encounter where forcing the tagger to zone in wouldn't work.

I'd love to hear some player feedback about that or any other idea not yet mentioned that does not involve GM participation to monitor this change.

Fortunately, we all understand there is a need for change.
Last edited by bktroost; 04-08-2014 at 01:04 PM..