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Old 05-02-2014, 12:15 PM
Kekephee Kekephee is offline
Fire Giant

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Originally Posted by 4WOFURY [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

Yay to the denial of restoring corpses lost due to server error (/sarcasm).
I don't know what the GMs' actual reason is for not restoring corpses, this is purely speculative, but my guess is it's too difficult/impossible to do a mass restore of sky keys, because can you imagine having to dig through the logs to find confirmation for every single key piece for every single person who's going to lose their corpse? Considering some of these keys are two years old, and considering everyone has 8 keys, it's not exactly easy to verify. They can't just look and see, has this person EVER given Sirran a bird whistle? Because maybe they gave him one a year and a half ago, kept the key for six months, then lost the corpse and had to give him another. They'd have to dig a lot more closely than they would to see if you've ever had an epic. And they'd have to do it about 12,000 times because people also keep alts keyed.

Again, that might not be the actual reason, but I have a feeling it is. Being a GM takes up enough of these peoples' time, we can't reasonably expect them to spend a week digging through logs for key corpses.
Kekephee Souphanousinphone
Erudite Bard <BDA>
Blue Server

Every song I play is actually just me screaming the 1812 Overture in a raspy, shrieking falsetto.