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Old 05-07-2014, 09:54 AM
Stonecrush Stonecrush is offline

Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: Kunark
Posts: 65

1 2 3... 12 pages of people deciding on whether to be a douche bag or not?

A person takes the time to camp/kill a mob for loot, switch to an alt to grab the item and it's debatable on whether someone else other than the intended person by the original camper would NOT be at fault to loot the item?

Really? Really...

You know they dealt with this by chopping off hands and feet back in he day.

The thought should not even enter the mind of the offending looter. I use offending because it is an offense to believe the item belonged to the offender in the first place.

If you really can't see the difference between a rusty scimitar and a ring of the ancients then you need to grow up and have more responsibility.

This isn't a court of law, there are no precedents that will be laid out, this is a moral court of the obvious. You OBVIOUSLY should NOT take stuff that does NOT belong to you. Do the work and earn the crap. Don't be a douche.

Quick someone make that guild tag. "Don't Be a Douche".

Threads like these make me shake my head. The OP's question is fine but to take it to this level.