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Old 06-01-2014, 01:19 PM
dhoushi dhoushi is offline

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Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 64
Default SStrength 'soft cap' & mainhand damage bonus

While the information is only useful in certain grouping events as a bard I wanted to ask some general melee questions.

When I was going over the information to max my dps I came across a few posts on another forum mentioning a strength 'soft cap'. I assume this is in regards to some diminishing returns that strength gives after a certain point. Is anyone aware of this and care to explain.

Which leads me to diminishing returns question in general. Are their other stats that would provide diminishing returns after a certain threshold (such as AC?).

Finally I also noticed that their is a mainhand only damage bonus applied after a certain threshold. Does anyone have any tables for bards that include level so I can catch what damage bonus im getting at what level to maximize my melee dps when i use it?

Cheers for any questions answered.