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Old 08-10-2014, 07:08 PM
Ephirith Ephirith is offline
Fire Giant

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Originally Posted by Tecmos Deception [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Did you consider mobs going light blue and green for the 55 before they do so for the 53?

Also, it looks like the numbers in that screenshot of yours are of the xp to leave levels 53 and 55. If the 53 rang is 53.01 and the 55 ench is 55.99... the split will be quite a bit less even, also.
Originally Posted by Ciroco [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
That makes sense, although I always thought the exp penalty for killing mobs that were green to someone in the group would be applied to the entire group. If that's what's going on here, it must only apply to the person who the mobs are green to.
We suspected that as well, but we aren't sure specifically how our XP is penalized by something being LB to him. I was trying my hardest to primarily pull things that were still DB to him, and it didn't seem to help much. That's why we tried Skyfire, where everything was DB. It was still bad for him and good for me.