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Old 08-21-2014, 03:36 PM
Haynar Haynar is offline

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Join Date: Oct 2009
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Most of basics are this. Not totally, but this is general idea.

Say buff 1 has 3 effects, we assign it 3 counters with a strength of 3.
Buff 2 has 4 effects, 4 counters, strenth 4
Buff 3 has 1 effect, 1 strength.

If u have those 3 buffs in order, and cast cancel magic.

It checks buff 1, do say a rand 100, it has 3 str, so if ran less than 33, kills buff and done

If it fails its check counter -1. If counter at 0, dump buff, done.

If no buff dumped, move to buff 2. If ran 100 < 100/4, dump buff, else counter--

If no buff dumped, go to buff 3. It has 1 counter, so if we passed all the other checks to get her, we kill the buff. It looks like cancel magic takes out buff 3. Wow, looks random. But its not.

Thats basic idea. A buff can have up to 8 counters. So you could take 8 cancel magics to dump.

If you have a dispell(9). It does 9 iterations on each buff. But stops after kills a buff, for that slot of dispell(9).

2 dispell 9 buffs always take top 2 slots, unless its a buff that cant be dispelled. Think rez effects.

You could have a cancel magic cast once lower all counters of all buffs by 1, but if all passed their check, and none hit zero counters, none disappear.

And it can make it look like buffs get removed at random.

Thats the basics.

Haynar <Millennial Snowflake Utopia>
Last edited by Haynar; 08-21-2014 at 03:38 PM..
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