Thread: Druid Duoing
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Old 08-31-2014, 12:20 PM
fastboy21 fastboy21 is offline
Planar Protector

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really depends on your play style. anything would work really, depending on if you plan to invite other players to join your duo and if you are trying to build the fastest exp duo or just have fun.

chanter and druid are both good solo classes so you can work together fairly easily. monk and druid is decent tanking and decent heals. rogue and druid would be harder (rogue doesn't tank nearly well, and can't backstab while tanking).

melee druid combo will start to hit a wall and slow down significantly as you climb into the 50s if you aren't twinked out. chanter and druid would work with relatively same tactics all the way to 60. again, it comes down to your play style.

i would pick what you like to play (chanter is VERY different play than a rogue), and just accept that you will duo slowly at times when you can't find lfg folks.
Last edited by fastboy21; 08-31-2014 at 12:22 PM..