Thread: religion
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Old 09-20-2014, 09:50 PM
G13 G13 is offline

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Originally Posted by Glenzig [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
No such thing as a transition species? Hmmm. How does one kind of animal change into another then? How did a water breathing fish change into an oxygen breathing mamal?
I thought we all came from some gob of cells that crawled out of the ocean or whatever the new BS theory is this week

Life miraculously came about from some primordial goo that got struck by lighting or whatever other BS theory these frauds try to push on the public. Now there is no such thing as transitional fossils or species because ..... why? The entire BS theory of the religion of Evolution revolves around Transitional Species yet now (because there is ZERO fossil evidence to prove it) they conveniently don't need to exist. Got it

BTW Piltdown Man = Proven Fossil Hoax

But nah, these scientists would NEVER LIE. Would never fudge data to push lies and agendas. They would NEVER do that.