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Old 10-04-2014, 06:08 PM
Wenuven Wenuven is offline

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Posts: 135

Originally Posted by Potus [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Mobs don't start bashing until level 6, and even then you really should not be meleeing past level 15 unless you're super twinked.
I never "plan" to melee as a druid, but there are many times where something is beating on me and I'm trying to get a root off. Most of my deaths could be attributed to not being able to land that root fast enough, whether it was due to an interrupt or a resist.

Are you saying this hardly ever happens as a shaman?

I've never played a shaman on P99 so I honestly don't know, but when I played one during PoP it was a common occurrence.

An extra 3hp/tick while sitting pre-50 is only going to save you like 1% of your total downtime and very unlikely to prevent any deaths in those "oh shit" moments.