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Old 12-15-2014, 06:48 AM
Burgerking Burgerking is offline

Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 384

All I'm gonna say is I played Rallos Kunark and Sullon Velious era. There was like 4-5 melee's tops ranked in the top 100.

HERE for the past few years it's Melee, Melee, Melee, pretty much 95% melee's all ranked in the top 100 at 60 range, hmmm I wonder why?

Because on live when melee's started to attain full immunity to spells they increased debuffs. This is 15 years later with 3 years of kunark, every secret of the game is known every quest every piece of gear and people go from 1 to 60 in 2 months time some ever faster.

So we should delete every CC effect because melee's don't like being rooted? LOL what do casters do then TANK melee's? Or just flee from melee's like we've been forced to do for years.

Never seen anyone complain when it was rogue poison bang fuck dead in under 7 seconds. For some reason that shit was cool. But a Rogue having to use cure pots for tash and pumice for malo is unfucking acceptable. Even tho we all gotta carry cure pots or we snared and dead to rogues in seconds.

So we should have to all carry cure pots OR DIE!, but they shouldn't have to carry shit. Meanwhile they also want to be immune to every spell but LURE, and lifetap AS WELL AS increasing the hit boxes LOL, even tho damage is still set 2x higher than live lol.

So make a choice u want your live damage and die to druids dmg shields or you want crazy town dmg and carry pumices and cure pots?

I know you want everything But I'm Burgerking and you had it your way for 2 years.
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