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Old 01-12-2015, 09:36 AM
Nalefein Nalefein is offline

Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 44

Just a quick update:

After struggling a bit in Nektulos, I made my way to GFay and hit up CB. It was awesome XP! I went from level 8 to 13 in less than three hours, and we had this omglol Troll walk up to our group and attack one of our guys while I was healing (pretty dumb). He looted his sword and shield and attacked (again) while half nekked and died again.


I am very much enjoying the server, people have been very kind to me in terms of newbie gear and spell plat.

Hope to get in the 20's soon, keep you all updated!
Officer of <Castle>
Naldrin, 54 Cleric of Innoruuk
Nalrok, 30 Shaman of Rallos Zek
Keyeth, 25 Bard of Tunare
Mizzrym, 10 Magician