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Old 02-07-2010, 08:34 AM
Dabamf Dabamf is offline

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 203

Hate is so totally fucked with agro and trains, shit will come out of no where and skull fuck you without notice. It's beautiful and the closest classic raid zone replication on this server (minus charming ability again, and ghasts fearing 100x more than they should).

Truth be told, we probably caused more trains than trannies did. But if you think that every single train that you can't account for must have been caused by the other guild, you're fooling yourself. In college I'd always bitch and complain about people leaving dishes in the sink. Then when I lived alone I'd think "how the hell did I get so many dishes in the sink?" not realizing that a lot of those dishes I had complained about were actually mine and I just forgot about them. That's how trains are. Especially when mere proximity to the ceiling or an adjacent house can cause some weird pathing and epic train, and no one even knows how.

tl:dr: Trains happen in hate, and they skullfuck you, and often it's your own fault and you just don't know it.