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Old 04-29-2015, 01:37 AM
Kika Maslyaka Kika Maslyaka is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 1,055

The only non fantasy elements of Luclin were Boglings and Netherian "aliens". (yes they could have been dropped).

Paludal ZEM was BAD.

Mounts were great.
Cats awesome.
Beastlords - cool.
New models - awesome for some races (elves, ogres, trolls), horrible for others (shorties).

Loot, grouping and raiding was hardly much different in principle than in Velious.
Though some zones could have used few more named/loot dropping mobs

Bazaar - yeah the last thing I want to do with my time is spend 4 hours trying to sell my junk in the tunnel and haggle over every 5 gold with every idiot instead of actually PLAYING. (ok to some haggling is PLAYING - to each his own). Life haggling was fun only for a while, but when I got dozens of items to list - it got tedious. Lots and lots of high lev people I knew HATED the tunnel - they posted their wares on forums and only logged in their EC mules to deliver the goods to specific buyer. Plus, even after Bazaar went live many still auctioned their wares to lowbies in Qeynos/Gfay/FP etc. No one really wanted to spend 30 min just to get there and another 30 just to get down unless they were shopping for a serious upgrade. It was only with PoK books that getting to Bazaar became a 1 click deal so every lev 3 could quickly check the wares and get back to where he was.

The rest was top notch and highly creative fantasy content.
Ok I admit I would have went with a Shadow World as the setting, instead of the moon, but no one asked [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Aren't you suppose to be banned?

The people who invented the first space ships were brilliant. That doesn't mean anybody should actually want to use them 200 years later. Ideas are limited by means of execution. Everquest has amazing ideas that need to be completely reworked in their execution, in order for classic Everquest as it was envisioned to actually exist and continue to be relevant as things have evolved.