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Old 02-09-2010, 01:05 PM
Shads Shads is offline

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Originally Posted by Reiyz [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
hopefully they can teach reading comprehension.

Seriously though. I'm going to ask nicely to stop replying to my posts without reading them. L4Phantom (yeah, I'm calling you out punk) reads my post on two-boxing and seemed to have only picked up on the sentence involving me solo'ing in between LFG'ing. I clearly fucking stated that I LFG constantly, but I'm a warrior and groups only need one tank type to be efficient.

If you honestly believe two-boxing is going to ruin this "community" then you are sorely lacking in common sense, or are very insecure and realize you're a fucking douche that no one would group with, could they two box.

This isn't 1999, and I'm not 14 anymore. I don't have the time to spend two hours LFG, then half an hour running to a group in Mistmoore when I'm off in Guk, only to have it fall apart 10 minutes after arriving. If two boxing was enabled, I'd be able to play my warrior plus a cleric/druid/shaman, whatever I decided at the time, and exp while building a much more efficient group. Another word you (L4Phantom) seem to be confused about.

Yes, I could box my warrior plus a healer and be set, but exp would be painfully fucking slow due to no dps. Why would I want to waste my time getting an orange an hour when I could be getting half a level/a level an hour?

And before you say it, yes, I'm a huge baby who has to resort to vulgar language in order to get my point across. Nonetheless, read my fucking post more thoroughly next time and don't be a douchebag.
Stop crying...

PEQ is that way --->
Originally Posted by Rogean View Post
God damnit why don't these gay forums allow posts with all caps. Where do I turn that shit off