Thread: Monk+Necro?
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Old 07-21-2015, 03:10 AM
Getsmurfed Getsmurfed is offline

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Depends on what and where you plan on playing. Necro charm + shaman is ungodly, I levelled my necro in CoM @ Moat and w/ a phantom pet the two of us were able to clear all of moat and about half the arena. There are full 6 man groups that can't do that. If you want to do really "hard" content that doesn't have undead or isn't outdoors the necro is gonna be wasted, monk shaman is better if doing shit like crypt or w/e. But if it's easier content that a tank isn't needed, necro is hands down better. Two root rot classes that feed into each other with twitch, regrowth, necro manaless heals, canni, lich, necro gets PE early @49, shaman can snare for free if troll, necro can fear for dirt cheap esp w/ staff, okayish rogue pet if outdoors fearing, blah blah list goes on. If you can bring a necro and utilize it well you'll fucking destroy content simply because 2 soloers are even better when duoing. Almost every class that can solo does even better when another soloer is added. Play what you want, but shm necro is fucking beastly if you find a place you can use all your tools in. Necro is a freak when duoing, the amount of utility they have is terrifying.