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Old 07-24-2015, 10:29 AM
Ella`Ella Ella`Ella is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 2,272

The spirit of EQ isn't about rotations - which were player arrangements on live, not GM enforced. Instancing wasn't a concept we had to compare to either.

I don't want a shit show, I don't want variance, I don't want welfare pixels either. If you're not willing to learn your class, play your class well and show up on time to raids you don't deserve more than you can acquire on your own time.

I guess one solution to having 4am batphones would be to kill variance is when mobs spawn times start to drift, Rogean resets them back to a reasonable non-virgin time of day. But, to say we need a system where 'all guilds are created equal' is toxic to ambition. Plus, you'll end up with 150 guilds each wanting there slice of the pie like you have in Class-R.

And red is going pretty well - I hit 60 on my monk and am getting better at pvp overall. I like the no-variance, but unfortunately mobs spawn at like 8:30am EST on a Tuesday and I'm at work then. VP mobs are spawning at a time I can make, but I don't really see the value in keying my monk. I'm not a contender for a Rile or Robe and I don't need a Trorsmang staff since I already have a T-staff. Maybe I'll key my wizard, who is 54. I don't know yet.
Last edited by Ella`Ella; 07-24-2015 at 10:33 AM..