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Old 09-26-2015, 08:48 AM
TacoSmasher TacoSmasher is offline

Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 519

  • I killed you while you were quadding seafuries. After you died every mob in the quad was around 10% hp, i killed them all.
  • I linked you what they dropped. You were quite rustled by this. Apparently you ported me a few times in the past. Sorry.
  • ~15 Minutes later you chase me down with a wizard (Zaria <Pandemonium>) and i kill you again, you call LNS. You died in the middle of open water and couldn't find your corpse.

Exhibit A: The first two kills. LNS was called on the 2nd kill @ 04:37

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  • Shortly after you called LNS, I had to gate due to pvp from a shaman. For the next hour you spammed me with tells expressing your anger while I banked and did some trading.
  • The next kill on you occurred at 05:52. I zoned in about 5 minutes before the kill. When I was set up and buffed I set up some bait: Since I saw the AC PH was dead, I thanked you guys in /shout for leaving "an ancient cyclops" up for me. You came running fully geared along with Zaria to AC island, I assume to kill me.
  • I killed you again (Kill #3). You and Zaria continued to trash talk in /shout. I went about my business and checked on your corpse a few minutes later, there you were looting it! No LNS called in shout/ooc/say etc. I killed you again (Kill #4) because you were being sassy. At this point you claimed I violated your LNS. The LNS you called @ 04:37.

Exhibit B: Kills #3 and #4

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Assuming it took 15-20 minutes for you to CR after kill #2, you either a) shouldn't have been in the zone or b) were open to pvp again after your LNS call at 04:37. Forget the fact that you were running your mouth the whole time.

TL;DR PVP Happened to OP, he got really rustled. More PVP happened and the frivolous petitionquest started. Also Mages in EQ have the highest skill ceiling of any class in any MMO.