Thread: Game Mechanics: Rooted mob doesn't face aggro'd player
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Old 02-15-2010, 07:00 PM
Somekid123 Somekid123 is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Oct 2009
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No it is not working from what ive seen and tested. I use to get thrills out of rooting raid mobs when there 5% health, and then crush an int caster who thinks he can melee.

Also somewhat related - If 5 people are on an NPC, that NPC is not rooted. It will face whoever it is attacking, if that PC goes behind the NPC -While still in melee range- the NPC will not turn around towards that PC until its delay pops back up and it melees again.

Only way I see this being abused is through rogues who solo, attack a mob, go behind it and BS before it melees and resets infront of you.