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Old 01-20-2011, 09:25 PM
chtulu chtulu is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 556

Originally Posted by quellren [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Ok, Harrison. Let's step away from the mudslinging and name calling. You seem to champion the believer side of the discussion here so,
I have an honest, straightforward question to ask, one I've never been able to get a satisfactory answer to:

According to Christian doctrine (with much paraphrasing) 2000-odd years ago, God looked upon the world and saw that the race of man needed to pull their collective heads out of their asses and get right. So he sends a prophet to spread the word. It begins with the Virgin birth of Jesus. Jesus, according to the Bible, performs many miraculous, unexplainable feats and multitudes of people see the light, and follow these teachings. In a covanent with God, Jesus dies, and thus took one for the 'team' absolving us of all the bad things people did to each other.

So here's my question: It's pretty apparent to me that we've strayed back onto that road we were on Pre-Jesus. If God loves me, unconditionally, and I can't be to blame for being the imperfect heathen I am,
Why doesn't God do it again? Send another Jesus. Not the prophesized Jesus to collect the flock of believers, Send him to re-prove that God exists and loves us all. Feed the crowd at the superbowl with just the bread in his pocket, Walk into a cancer ward and eradicate the disease. Show me God is still interested. A two century old book recounting the stuff that went down (sometimes 3rd hand, and decades after it happened) written by MEN isn't selling the promise anymore.

What does your unshakable faith say about the fact that a sizeable portion of the Bible relates direct accounts of interaction with 'The Almighty' and his angels. Everything from Abraham being told by God himself to kill Issac, to Moses receiving the Ten Commandments written DIRECTLY by God's finger. Theres a butt-load of divine interaction right up until Jesus and his death. And then it stops. Cold Turkey.

Why? Why no more?
The standard answer I get is 'Faith'. The believers' catch-all. You gotta just believe that it happened. Why do I just have to believe? This is met with: The believers go to Heaven.
Heaven isn't actual real estate. There isn't a Fire Code that limits occupancy. Why can't everyone go?
If God really loves me, unconditionally, more than I can imagine, why doesn't he:
A) forgive my ignorance and take me anyway?
or better yet
B) PROVE HE EXISTS and let me fall to my knees in abject humble apology for doubting?

Give me something other than that sunday-school 'faith' rhetoric that I've heard for 20 years.

I'd be impressed if harrison had a rebuttal that didn't include some sort of insult or name calling.
Chtulu Fhtagn

"ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"
- "In his house at R'lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming."