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Old 02-16-2010, 07:59 PM
Dabamf Dabamf is offline

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 203

I used to crash 50+% of zonings. I tried every suggested fix humanly possible and bribed people to provide other solutions, nothing worked. I had some people give me some pretty clever and creative solutions, but they all ultimately failed.

My problem went away one random day after a patch and has never returned (still hasn't returned). It was something in the patch that fixed it, though I have no clue what.

Zone crashes are a huge hinderance in gameplay for many people. I think it happens to more people than are vocal about it. I know I eventually just gave up on fixing it. The inability to log into a character already in the world basically makes the game unplayable for these people. Was there an exploit people were somehow using this for? I think regardless of how it was in classic, this is a gameplay element that doesn't belong here.