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Old 02-24-2016, 04:47 PM
Speedi Speedi is offline
Fire Giant

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Thanks for the links Erati. I can see you have been after them about this for a while. Haynar says this in 2011 ...

Originally Posted by Haynar [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Part of the issues with making LoH and HT refresh on death, is the refresh time of the button had to be reduced. It uses the spells file value for this. If you zone, it will update the button. But short of zoning, you can mash it, to see how much time is left and try to keep track of it. That is about the best we can do, unless we can figure out a way to refresh the ability update timer somehow else. Which there may not be a way.

I am not sure what Haynar is trying to do with the refresh on death. That's not what I am referring to. I am referring to this ...


I use Lay Hands, the button don't stay greyed out till its ready again. It should stay greyed out till its back up.

We already have abilities that do the same thing in game that work fine. Forage for one, it will grey out and pop back up when its ready. Even if you zone it will stay greyed out till its ready. So why cant you implement the same code you use for Forage but increase the time to fit the Lay Hands ability.

I am going to keep this thread bumped till this has been fixed!

Thanks in advance for your time Dev's! We all appreciate it