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Old 03-08-2011, 05:22 PM
Harrison Harrison is offline

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Originally Posted by chtulu [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
What a stupid answer.

So God has time to try to deceive us into potentially damning our souls, but doesn't have the decency to prevent genocides or other horrific events?
We have free will. What would existence's purpose be if they controlled, through divine intervention, all things? This is assuming a deity had a hand in the creation, of course. It wouldn't make sense to allow free will, and then to stop specific acts born of it.

Why bother giving life free will, and the ability to do evil at all, if they're just going to stop all evil? That's fucking stupid.

So, because people choose to do evil, the deity or deities involved with existence are somehow evil for not stopping it? Lol what a retarded way of thinking. (Not surprising seeing the regurgitated ignorance you spew regularly...You have no original thought. You are a tool.)


Chtulu is a fucking slackjawed retard.