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Old 03-12-2011, 08:15 AM
Thetan Thetan is offline

Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 60

Rogean-Src-NPC's will now be able to finish casting a spell without line of sight, but will still be interrupted if out of range. They will still require line of sight to their target to begin the cast, and line of sight will still be checked for area effects.
Is this mechanics change going to be both directions? So if I cast a spell while I have LoS and mob moves around a corner, does my spell land?

Uthgaard-Spells-Lifetaps will now only resist when outside the level limit.
I assume this includes lifetaps over time spells.

Haynar-Src-Detrimental spells will aggro pets better
Not sure what this means. Does it mean spells cast on a NPC that is engaged by my pet won't pull aggro most of the time?