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Old 09-23-2016, 03:31 PM
Jarnauga Jarnauga is offline
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Originally Posted by Angushjalmur [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Argument annihilated

nothing personnel, kid
i don't really have an argument, and i fully understand that cops face dangers and they should protect themselves.

My point is why not release the video when there's obviously doubts about what happened ? Also, from what i read, the guys were looking for someone (that wasn't the victim) and happened to shoot the guy ? why ? because he had (what they think was, until proven) a gun ? in a open-carry state..? Maybe they made a mistake in the heat of the moment ? and that's understandable, they're still human beings, right ?

The real thing is neither you, or me, or the family knows what happened. We can only believe what the cops say about it, and i'm sorry but it wouldn't be the first time that they would lie to cover their asses.

There's a video about what happened that can put the whole thing to rest, but let's not release it ? that's the part that's fucked up. I'm not defending the rioters (who should be prosecuted), or the guy that died, or the cops here, i'm defending the seek of truth. Like we all should.

..of course, you can just say "err, he's black, so he deserved it". Which is exactly what some cops think. Which is why some of this stuff happens. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
BLUE: Jarnauga Winterfell - Barbarian Shaman of The Tribunal

GREEN: Ineluki - Human Shadow Knight of Inoruuk
