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Old 10-28-2016, 07:18 AM
funhorroryes funhorroryes is offline

Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 208
Talking another pub crawl (expressions of interest)

these ran quite awhile ago and were a lot of fun.

People met in a certain city and all made their way drunk both IRL and IEQL to different spots. prizes and giveaways etc.

Thinking of holding my own...

Would anyone be interested? I don't play anymore and have some giveaways for new and old players alike.

Was thinking we have some drinking games (ie dice rolling, taking shots IRL and IEQ, allocating shots, drunken arena battles with teams such as Juggernaught - 10 newbs versus 2 OP twinks, hide and seek, riddles, EQ trivia etc) so basically we are drunk in both planes of existence. I would prob stay away from a teamspeak server to try and make the experience more fun with the drunk messages from our toons

could have it themed.. Vodka in Thurgadin.. Beer in Qeynos.. cheap wine at the gypsies in oasis. May even provide a cheap shopping list so we can prepare for each stop.

Make it a social fun event. If you are interested let me know. Pretty keen to set one up and give me a reason to log on and have a great night. I am an events promoter at many successful festivals and club nights in Australia and i am up for the challenge!

I'd put some time into prepping a fun and exciting night including timetable & maps for the crawl and it would be hosted on a friday or saturday evening (US timezone)

Let us know any suggestions too!
Last edited by funhorroryes; 10-28-2016 at 07:31 AM..