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Old 11-12-2016, 12:55 PM
Nihilist_santa Nihilist_santa is offline
Planar Protector

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Location: A Barrel in Rivervale
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It is really obvious to anyone with half a brain what is going on. The establishment on both sides know that the swamp is going to be drained. They want to convince the left and the right to take down Trump. I saw so many fake news articles yesterday trying to convince Trump supporters that he sold them out. Meanwhile the left is mobilizing its virtue signalers before the cold sets in.

Trump said he wants to find a way to introduce term limits. They are fucking scared as hell of this. They have to keep the left and right at eachothers throats instead of focusing on common goals. If the left and right both demand the reps sign whatever is put forward for term limits or they get voted out they know its game over for them.

All the martial law talk and provocateurs are just there to keep people scared of Trump and ready to side with the establishment when they move to impeach him at the first opportunity. This puts Mike Pense in play and he is pretty much a shill for the establishment right and will rubber stamp whatever the fuck they put forth.