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Old 11-23-2016, 12:03 AM
Daywolf Daywolf is offline
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Originally Posted by AzzarTheGod [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I think the whole "doomsday plane" thing really threw him.
It's actually called the Nightwatch, but people call it the Doomsday plane. Seems about the same, I don't think it's day/night as it's meaning. But I didn't make up the name, otherwise I'd call it the Grim Reaper or something. It's mainly there to keep half our nuclear arsenal out in our boomers operational, I guess when other means are exhausted. But anyway, it's likely operating powerful UHF transmitters, it has that big ol radio antenna cover up top. It probably sends to a VLF station that relays data to the submarines. I wouldn't be surprised if they fully automated to process and removed all ability from the sub commander.

Originally Posted by Ahldagor [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Qui bono for war with Russia?
Control of the middle-east. This is a neocon war, straight up. It's what we have been doing for decades now, fighting to dominate the region, and no sharings allowed. The neocons want to back currency with oil, and the middle-east is a part of that plan. So they topple govts and raise up new govts that will abide by the new world order and supply the oil.

Putin is a problem. He really doesn't want anything to do with the nwo any longer. He himself doesn't talk out against it, but everyone he has close around him in his govt does. So they want to push him out of the middle-east, and that means he needs to lose the base in Syria that Russia has had for 50yrs. It's not a military base, it's a small port for exchange of goods and resources. I recall just in recent years that they were going to expand the base to accommodate oil tankers and such.

And I'm not calling Putin a hero of the anti-nwo movement, far from it. But he a nationalist and I do trust that Putin will do what Putin does in his desire to see Russia continue to prosper, not be controlled. Russia which may be a large land mass, really only has the GDP the size of Italy. And they don't have bases around the world, not making big moves to rebuild the USSR. They have some border issues, and those are questionable, but compared to aggression of other nations it doesn't seem as problematic. It could go that way though, but in the meantime, we are still the primary aggressors in the current situation, our neocon/globalist friends anyway.

As it's setting up, our neocons are applying pressure to Russia as they get ready to launch into Syria in full force, possibly then into Iran, most likely. There are some war scenarios but I don't want to get into it. Some of them are really really bad, others just pure fantasy easy victory (likely what they count on). Then others in-between, more likely imo, with no real resolution on the battlefield. They want to bet on Russia not deploying tactical nukes, but they will, and nations will likely rise in revolt as SHTF. I guarantee though, it would be nothing like you saw coming out of Hollywood, that's all propaganda.

The most likely outcome is Syria will be divided up, East and West. When Trump gets in and if SHTF didn't happen by then, they will clean out the country and divide it. If SHTF over the next couple months, the probability will be on stalemate and they will negotiate the Syrian split. Also the world will remain volatile. We'll get hurt, they'll get hurt, there will be bad feelings and other countries may take advantage of the differences, likely will.

But just because Trump may resolve a war before it happens, there may still be complications remaining in the middle-east. Our issues with Iran isn't going to go away over night. In fact I doubt it ever will due to the ideology of that nation now, in that they really do want to cause a big messy war. It's part of their Islamic belief, and they have spared no saber rattling about it. Russia has been tangled into their affairs over this matter, and that may bight us all in the butt soon after any resolution regarding the Syrian conflict.

So what the benefits are regarding a war right now as you asked, it's all about money. There is no gold backed dollar coming back, China has been taking payments in gold. Even some years back, the Chinese govt told it's people to start buying up gold. China is a part of the nwo thing, but of course they want to be the masters of it, the controllers of a one world currency.

It's what we are fighting over in the West too, and doing it before the dollar collapses. It's meant to collapse. It will collapse. We've been set up the bomb. But the new currency will need to be backed, and that will be with oil too. So the West must have full control over the oil, and Russia is not welcome to that.

And China I don't know. They just dumped their own currency onto the monetary reserve list. They are officially on the foreign banking list now of reserve notes. If they confiscate all the gold from their comrades that have been gobbling it up for years, they threaten to unleash a serious gold backed currency onto the world.

That could turn into basically China dictating monetary policy for many decades to come. And they are calling for a new reserve currency, wanting to see an end to the Dollar, replaced with their own currency I guess. I think there were 7 of them atm. Once the Dollar collapses, it'll take most of them down too. China wants to be the last man standing where when the West would be kicking off the new one world currency as planned.

And so yeah, Russia want's to have their currency survive, not bow down to a foreign bank. Even Russia and China have issues between them, but who's to say how that ends up. Another bad alliance, I don't know. They have been moving that way militarily due to threats from the West.

Ultimately, it's a bankers war. So if you want the deep down answers to 'what's to gain', you'd need to ask a big central banker. I don't think our stupid puppets even know why.

TL;DR wuuh? [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]