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Old 12-12-2016, 09:13 PM
skarlorn skarlorn is offline

Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: The Misty Thicket
Posts: 4,863
Red face Burying the Hatchet

It's been a long ride to get here on the choo choo train. We've come up and down a lot of hills. We've said some pretty mean things to other elves. It's time to take up arms... in hugging. If you've done or said anything to offend another person, this is the battlefield of your catharsis.

Let this be your "safe space" to be vulnerable and say how you really feel. Just remember, don't bash the staff!

I'll start...

Dear Baldere (aka ironlion),

I am sorry I pretended to be your friend while gathering screenshots of the racist and socially intolerant things you said. I understand you felt a special bond with me and I betrayed that. I mocked you in the guild chat of your own guild, and when you kicked me from the guild I used these screenshots, the infants of our nascent bond, to stage a coup and remove you as the leader of <Ways of Yore>. I do not think less of you for the way you behaved during this period or after (more racist, mental-breakdown type stuff), because I know this is the true you. You should not be ashamed of that. This is a safe space. This is the space to bury the hatchet.

Baldere, I saw you and knew you as a true soul belonging to the fens of Red 99. I am sorry for deceiving you with my wit and charm, but you had created something special, and you were going to ruin it forever by being the person you need to be. I hope you have found happiness and meaning back on red 99.

Borgnach the Character Assassin