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Old 03-01-2017, 03:36 AM
AzzarTheGod AzzarTheGod is offline
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Originally Posted by JurisDictum [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I think this is some of the original concept art McQuaid was working with:

Attachment 8320
lmao we've been bitching about the so-called labor market for hundreds of years apparently. new report out, labor market just hit record lows in 2015 and hasn't improved a bit in 2016-2017. lol jobs folks, bigtime, dirt paying jobs.

gr8 distraction from the incredible vast wealth generation possible under the current fiat system and stock market shadow economy.

the original principles this country was founded on didnt take into account that some day there would be a shadow economy where you can take 1 billion dollars and flip it into 2-3 billion on a good week. 7 trillion in unrealized assets are traded every day by these hedge funds, 2.6 trillion of which is hard cash.

but taxing the shit out of multiplicative capital gains i.e. hedge funds, makes no sense right. and we cant even start there anyway, the idiot socialists keep saying to rape the pocketbooks of the 1% so nothing ever gets done. extremist groups prevent any rational discussion or rational politic from taking place. "we're gonna destroy wallstreet!!" -Sanders idiocy.

I'd love to hear an economist explain how taxing capital gains at an 80% rate over a certain cap is somehow detrimental to the market and could cause instability. I am sure there are think-tanks with studies at the ready to hand to Senators in case there is ever a suggestion that we heavily tax these high-stakes poker games that involve currency changing hands that is NOT EVEN BACKED BY THE COST OF LABOR. The money has worked for itself for a long time, the money doesn't represent any labor value. Its fake money these hedge funds are throwing around and we aren't even allowed to talk about taxing that? cucked

its laughable keep getting cucked by lobbyists and 0.00001 super-wealthy (20 billion+) agenda, none of whom trickle anything down due to globalization + shadow economics. Its not the Rockerfeller Standard Oil days where the incredibly wealthy guy is creating jobs and investing directly back into the economy, or buying Ford cars, or investing into American corporations.

Lol keep worrying about what bathroom someone is pissing in while the oligarchs continue to not invest a cent into the country, see how long that lasts. Without the Federal Reserve printing extra fake money (they call it a "loan" but you can't say its a legitimate loan because nobody has any idea of how much loaning and leveraging the Fed is really doing-- therefore it can be assumed a large percent of the money is straight up fake, otherwise we'd have transparency on these loans and leverages) you'd be up shits creek because so many vampires have taken the jewels and run in the last 100 years.
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Last edited by AzzarTheGod; 03-01-2017 at 04:00 AM..