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Old 04-01-2017, 04:41 PM
Cwall 146.0 Cwall 146.0 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 296

very weird that cyren would comment in such a way on the idea of gongshow poaching members from apex, seeing as he did the exact same thing with the exact same narrative when he tried to come back to everquest and create a guild with the intention of taking down empire

except, he poached absolutely no one and everyone laughed at him

gongshow has poached several people from apex, with several more sticking around to provide information leading to fun events like apex being chased into paineel and south karana as they tried to recover from a severe loss in icewell keep

funny enough, it reminded everyone of the downfall of TMO when they were also chased from paineel to south karana and slaughtered, just like apex was